The academic migration between Spain and Ecuador during the period of economic recession: a survival strategy of Spanish teachers and researchers?


  • Rocío Pérez-Gañán Conicet/CEAR, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
  • Gorka Moreno Ikuspegi – Observatorio Vasco de Inmigración Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea



professional migration, academic migration, migratory geostrategy, lifestyle migration, coloniality


Within the flows of migrants with professional skills or education, Spanish academic migration has traditionally followed a North-North direction in its search for spaces of insertion. Nonetheless, during the economic crisis of the past few years, there has been a significant change and increase, directing migrants to counties in the global South. This change of direction is not a coincidence; it is in response to a geographic strategy which is articulated around two fundamental axes: securing teaching and research experience, which, in today’s Spain, is difficult to find yet key to enter or continue in Academia, and enjoying a quality of life which is not possible in Spain. By way of qualitative methodology, this paper attempts to highlight the principal elements and dynamics which make up this «new» geostrategic migration.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Gañán, R., & Moreno, G. (2018). The academic migration between Spain and Ecuador during the period of economic recession: a survival strategy of Spanish teachers and researchers?. Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 7(1), 6–28.



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