Assessment approach of Development Education and Global Citizenship Education
Evaluation of Development Education, Development Education and Global Citizenship Education, Diagnostic Assessment, Social and Citizenship Competence, Competence AssessmentAbstract
International Cooperation requires an assessment of Development Education as a guide to understanding, evaluating and making decisions that improve the efficacy and impact of its actions. This study focuses on demonstrating how a tool that is used in formal education can also be used to assess Development Education and Global Citizenship Education (DEGCE).
Through a descriptive analysis, we compared DEGCE with the social and citizenship competences assessed in the Spanish region of Andalusia. We found a strong relationship between them in terms of content, teaching-learning method, and evaluative approaches. This implies that the diagnosis of social and citizenship competences not only serves as a model, or example, for DEGCE assessment, but it also provides relevant and useful information to evaluate its present state.
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