Central Valley, California and Other Forms of the Third Landscape

Reading (From) Infrastructure


  • Juan Evaristo Valls Boix Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Third Landscape, Heterotopy, precariousness, American short fiction, Anthony Veasna So


The aim of this paper is to explore a form of comparative reading in a materialist key that we call the reading of (and from) infrastructure. This form of reading is relevant because it allows us to assess the political scope of literature, which will be understood here from a hybrid reflection between biopolitics (Agamben) and aesthetics (Rancière). Of all the infrastructures, this article will address that of access to land, that is, our relationship with space, the habitability of cities. The precariousness of this infrastructure will be studied through a resignification of Gilles Clément's concept of "third landscape", a spatial concept that will be shown to be operative to analyze various samples of American short narrative in recent years. This analysis will allow us to delimit a tendency in contemporary short story usually labeled as "realism", which will be referred to here as the "School of Banality", a term in opposition with the American tradition of the postmodern novel and its successors.


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How to Cite

Valls Boix, J. E. (2024). Central Valley, California and Other Forms of the Third Landscape: Reading (From) Infrastructure. Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (42), 157–174. Retrieved from https://papiro.unizar.es/ojs/index.php/tropelias/article/view/10373



Received 2024-03-25
Accepted 2024-06-18
Published 2024-07-09