«Que los dos somos un alma / que se partió en dos mitades»: about friendship in the Spanish Golden Age drama





Friendship, happiness, literary tradition, baroque theater, Felipe Godínez


Greek and Roman Classics understood friendship as the culmination of all human relationships and, therefore, as an essential source of happiness. This article will study the main topoi related to this sacred bond coming from the Classics. In this sense, we highlight the role played by baroque theater, an artistic reality that places friendship as one of its main reasons for dramatic conflict. As an example, we will examine some plays by the baroque playwright Felipe Godínez. Within its theater production, this author focuses on this specific topic by forming dramatic structures based on the tradition. He also employs a series of resources that will be recurrent throughout the history of the literature.


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Author Biography

Esperanza Rivera Salmerón, University of Valladolid

Departamento de Literatura española y Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada

Contratada Predoctoral FPU



How to Cite

Rivera Salmerón, E. (2018). «Que los dos somos un alma / que se partió en dos mitades»: about friendship in the Spanish Golden Age drama. Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (30), 48–60. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_tropelias/tropelias.2018302067



Received 2017-08-20
Accepted 2018-04-07
Published 2018-07-09