Antoni MARTÍ MONTERDE y Teresa ROSELL NICOLÁS, eds., "Comparatistes sense comparatisme. La literatura comparada a Catalunya". Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 2018, 316 pp.


  • Tomàs Meinhardt Teixidor Universitat de Barcelona



Catalan literature, Comparative literature, Intellectual history, Europe, Weltliteratur


This review presents the last volume published by the research group «Literatura Comparada en l’Espai Intel·lectual Europeu» called Comparatistes sense comparatisme. La literatura comparada a Catalunya. Part of the new «Figura» collection, published by the same research group, this is an ensemble work (carried out by specialists from the most prominent Catalan faculties and national and international universities and materialized in two symposiums) focused on analyzing Comparative Literature in Catalonia and the anomalous position that the literati occupy in relation to this one.This review focuses on the content of these symposiums (as well as on the proposal of the research group and the collection) paying special attention to the debates on the methdological proposal that it hosts; the figure of the European intellectual, the intellectual perspectives of Comparative Literature or the precedents of the Weltliteratur. All of this under the prism of Catalan literature as a privileged object of study to rethink itself and to problematize and modify the European literary and intellectual space


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How to Cite

Meinhardt Teixidor, T. (2018). Antoni MARTÍ MONTERDE y Teresa ROSELL NICOLÁS, eds., "Comparatistes sense comparatisme. La literatura comparada a Catalunya". Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 2018, 316 pp. Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (30), 377–381.


