A mirrow of others' wills


  • Patricia Teresa López Ruiz Universidad de Murcia




adultery, city, father, will, appearances


The purpose with which this work is conceived is with the intention of contrasting a spanish and a european novel, contemporary with each other, and whose central theme was adultery. Both presented to their protagonists with a very similar character, as well as to boring and asphyxiating cities that surrounded their existence. Through different structures, characters, descriptions, symbols and narrative resources will go to two endings, in which, although Effi dies and la Regenta does not, underlying the same idea: the influence of the environment on the character and health of its inhabitants, the discouragement and the fall of two beings because of the oppression exerted by the envies and wills of others.


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Alas, Leopoldo (2014). La Regenta. Barcelona: Clásicos Castalia.

Baquero Goyanes (1946). «Clarín, novelista olvidado». Revista de la Universidad de Oviedo, XXII, 137-145.

Calatrava, Juan. (2009). Ciudad y literatura: La Regenta y Effi Briest. En VV.AA. Intercambios culturales entre España y Alemania en el siglo XIX: arquitectura, filología, estética, ciudad. Granada: Universidad de Granada.

Fontane, Theodor (2010). Effi Briest. Barcelona: Debolsillo.

Vallejo, César (1959). Los heraldos negros. Lima: Editora Perú Nuevo.



How to Cite

López Ruiz, P. T. (2020). A mirrow of others’ wills. Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (34), 416–434. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_tropelias/tropelias.2020344253



Received 2020-02-12
Accepted 2020-05-12
Published 2020-07-17