The fly on the glass: metaphors for the hungry animal in Hans Blumenberg


  • Iván de los Ríos Gutiérrez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)



Hans Blumenberg, metaphor, human condition, historical philosphyzing, naturalism


According to Hans Blumenberg, the history of western thought is the history of the multiple human efforts to take shelter in confrontation with the “absolutism of reality”. This papers aims to locate Blumenberg´s metaphorology within the frame of the “historical philosophyzing” supported by Nietzsche at the beginning of Human, all too human and the philosophical and non-reductionist naturalism supported by J. M. Schaeffer in The end of human exception. Blumenberg´s absolute metaphor is interpretated from the perspective of the natural history of an inteligent and perplexed animal characterized by the logic of phantasy, the poetic capacity of language and abstract thinking.


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How to Cite

de los Ríos Gutiérrez, I. (2020). The fly on the glass: metaphors for the hungry animal in Hans Blumenberg. Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (6), 138–151.
Received 2020-04-25
Accepted 2020-05-12
Published 2020-06-02