Anthropocosmos: a new relationship between matter and spirit through the bachelardian reverie


  • Arturo Martínez Moreno



reverie, cosmos, space, imagination, spirit


Learning to gaze at must be man's first task. Those who do not know how to contemplate can hardly wake up spiritually. The most common objects can be a great meditation center. This is demonstrated by Bachelard in his phenomenology of the imagination where the reverie acts as a transmission bridge between the being of man and the being of the universe through images. When that happens, the inner cosmos intertwines with the outer cosmos, creating an intimate cosmicity, which, together with the principle of verticality, establishes a new anthropocosmos capable of breaking with the pre-existing homogeneous space. This ontological amplification is the product of a participatory mind capable of creating and constructing reality dynamically through imagination.


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How to Cite

Martínez Moreno, A. (2022). Anthropocosmos: a new relationship between matter and spirit through the bachelardian reverie. Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (37), 119–132.



Received 2021-05-25
Accepted 2021-10-09
Published 2022-01-03