An (im)possible World Literature

Emergence of the Other in "Blasted" and "Attempts on her life"


  • David Aguilar Universitat de Barcelona



Comparative Literature, Blasted, Attempts on her life, Otherness, Orientalism


This article pretends to approach the debate about the possibility (or the impossibility) of a world literature by examining two key plays of British contemporary dramaturgy: Blasted, by Sarah Kane, and Attempts on her life, by Martin Crimp. The article will be especially focused on the emergence of otherness in the plays, on their relationship with Occident as an identity and discourse, as well as on the problematics that arise from the notion of representation in a globalized world crafted by multinational capitalism. It will be shown that both plays permit to think about a mundane world literature from Occident, a literature that assumes its own position to engage a critical project that considers the challenges and the tensions posited by our contemporary global space. Thus, we would like to indicate other instances of specific contribution to the debates that surround Comparative Literature as a discipline.


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How to Cite

Aguilar, D. (2022). An (im)possible World Literature: Emergence of the Other in "Blasted" and "Attempts on her life". Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (37), 14–25.



Received 2021-09-09
Accepted 2021-10-14
Published 2022-01-03