Eloy Fernández Porta against blockbuster essentialism

Tools for a critique of the humanist conception of human relations


  • Adrián Santamaría Pérez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




Eloy Fernández Porta, Capitalism, subjectivity, humanism, Essay


In this article we will delve into, and focus, upon a specific aspect of Eloy Fernández Porta’s thinking as displayed in his essayistic production: namely, his criticism towards thinkers and sociologists who portray human relations from the humanist perspective. In order to accomplish this task, we will begin with an introduction which reflects upon the aforementioned author’s essayistic genre. Furthermore, we will determine the constituent of Fernandez Porta’s opposition through an exposition of the fundamental theses of said thinkers, whom he faces. Only after this will we be able to display, for one, the concrete objections directed towards each one of the theses. Moreover, we will illustrate the general framework from which Fernández Porta perceives capitalism, as well as the subjectivity and manner in which, through the doctrine, he criticizes humanist philosophers and sociologists from a globalist perspective.


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How to Cite

Santamaría Pérez, A. (2022). Eloy Fernández Porta against blockbuster essentialism: Tools for a critique of the humanist conception of human relations. Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (37), 229–243. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_tropelias/tropelias.2022376177



Received 2021-11-14
Accepted 2021-11-27
Published 2022-01-03