Simple blue almost hermetic

Reading and cognition in Pablo Neruda's "Oda a Federico García Lorca"


  • Pablo López Carballo Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Reading and cognitation, Pablo Neruda, Federico García Lorca, Poetry


The verse “porque por ti pintan de azul los hospitales” of the poem «Oda a Federico García Lorca», by Pablo Neruda, presents several interpretive enigmas, which go beyond the symbolic. In this paper we intend to investigate the reading possibilities from the teachings that cognitive poetics offers us. To do this, we will integrate various points of view into the analysis to help us better understand its scope and survival.


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How to Cite

López Carballo, P. (2022). Simple blue almost hermetic: Reading and cognition in Pablo Neruda’s "Oda a Federico García Lorca". Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (38), 79–95.



Received 2022-04-24
Accepted 2022-05-04
Published 2022-07-07