Influence and Dialogue in the Richardson-Goethe and Scott-Manzoni Binomials


  • Fabricio Welschen Universidad Nacional del Litoral


Anxiety of Influence, Dialogue, Epistolary novel, Historical novel, Comparative Literature


This article focuses on the concept of Anxiety of Influence by Harold Bloom. First of all, it will be explained the centrality of the dialogue and retrieving authorial intentions within Bloom’s proposal. Secondly, as of the concept of Anxiety of Influence it will be exposed the importance of dialogue in two binomials of authors: the Richardson-Goethe pair (through their novels Pamela and Die Leiden des jungen Werthers) and the Scott-Manzoni pair (through their novels Ivanhoe and I promessi sposi).


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How to Cite

Welschen, F. (2024). Influence and Dialogue in the Richardson-Goethe and Scott-Manzoni Binomials . Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (42), 387–399. Retrieved from



Received 2023-11-30
Accepted 2024-02-03
Published 2024-07-09