Alternative Models of Access to and Production of Housing in Spain: The Bottom-up Processes




Housing, Spain, Access, Production, Tenure, Bottom-up Process


Different economic and social crises in recent decades in Spain have driven alternative models of access and housing production to the conventional ones promoted by the inhabitants. This paper conducts an exploratory study to define the historical framework in which these phenomena appear and establish a classification according to their main characteristics. Through a review of specialised literature, the fundamental concepts necessary for an initial categorisation of these processes have been selected. It has been concluded that there are two fundamental categories: one seeking a solution to emergency situations and the other seeking consolidation over time. The most representative cases have been selected to illustrate the different categories through an online search and visits to four of these projects. This analysis aims to fill a gap in the knowledge of the current Spanish housing system, related mainly to the form of tenure of main-dwelling, concerning these alternative models, which could allow the development of new measures to correct existing problems.


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Author Biographies

Estefanía Calo, Universidade da Coruña

Estefanía Calo (A Coruña 1984), Bachelor in Social Sciences from the University of Abertay Dundee, Scotland (2007), PhD in Sociology from the University of A Coruña (2015) with the thesis "The residential system in Spain: components, functioning and housing needs". She is currently assistant professor at the Faculty of Sociology of the UDC and member of the Territorial Studies Group. She has carried out several international research stays at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom and the ISCTE in Lisbon, among others. Her latest articles are, From conservatism to criticism: discursive typologies on the housing crisis in Spain (2021), Deconstructing gentrification: cross-sectional processes in a Spanish medium-sized city (2022) and An introduction to the sociology of housing (2022).

Emma López-Bahut, Universidade da Coruña

Emma López-Bahut (Burgos, 1974). PhD (Universidade da Coruña, 2013), Master in Architectural Design (University of Navarra, 2004) and Architect from the ETSAM (2002). Since 2009, Professor of Architectural Projects at the ETSA Coruña, currently Associate Professor. Visiting Professor at the College of Architecture and Environmental Design (Kent State University, USA, 2017). Her two lines of research are: "Space, Art and Architecture", highlighting her book Jorge Oteiza y lo arquitectónico. De la estatua-masa al espacio urbano 1948-60 (2016), selected for the Premis FAD Pensament i Crítica (2017) and the IV Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo 2018. In the second line, she investigates bottom-up processes in architecture at different spatial scales, pointing out "Landscape as the spatial materialisation of democracy in Marinaleda, Spain" in Defining Landscape Democracy: A Path to Spatial Justice (2018). In parallel, she has been developing since May 2022 the digital publishing project Arquitecturas procesadas.


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How to Cite

Calo, E., & López-Bahut, E. (2023). Alternative Models of Access to and Production of Housing in Spain: The Bottom-up Processes . ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (21), 144–157.



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