Predictive Factors of Student Health: Technostress, Academic Stress, and Social Support
technostress; academic stress; social support; ICT; general healthAbstract
In recent years, technostress has been defined as a negative psychological state that is related to the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The objective of this study is to analyze the levels of technostress and its relationship with health in university students. A descriptive, quantitative cross-sectional study has been carried out through a self-reported survey. This analysis was carried out using an online questionnaire filled out anonymously by 389 undergraduate, master's and doctoral students belonging mostly to universities in the Community of Aragon. In addition to technostress, levels of academic stress, social support and the use of new technologies were studied to explore their relationship with health. The results of this study demonstrated that, although most participants do not experience high levels of technostress, those who do show that academic stress, behaviors and emotions generated by the use of ICT, technostress, gender, and satisfaction with social support predict students' health.
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Accepted 2024-07-09
Published 2024-07-15