Childhood in margins: romans in contexts of vulnerability and mobility


  • José David Gutiérrez-Sánchez Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • María José Alcalá del Olmo-Fernández Universidad de Málaga



Roma, contexts of vulnerability, mobility, childhood, marginalized communities


The purpose of this research is to analyse the situation of chil- dren of Romanian or Roma origin settled together with their families in the shanty town known as El Gallinero (Madrid). This qualitative approach is based on fieldwork carried out between 2010 until its completion in 2018. As a starting point on which to base the theory of our research, an analy- sis was performed of the documentation and legislation concerning social integration and risk situations. Likewise, how such situations impaired the quality of life of the inhabitants was considered and also how they acted as a catalyst for human mobility between various countries in the EU, affec- ting the physical and psychological development of the children concer- ned. The deterioration of the environment and the complications involved in implementing social intervention projects require interventions that can be adapted more extensively to community needs and culture. In this article we reveal the empirical work carried out both with the families and also the social entities involved in the settlement.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Sánchez, J. D., & Alcalá del Olmo-Fernández, M. J. (2019). Childhood in margins: romans in contexts of vulnerability and mobility. Acciones E Investigaciones Sociales, (40), 85–107.