Consolidación de la Investigación clínica y experimental en Trabajo Social desde 1960 hasta la actualidad

Experimentos, cuasi-experimentos y Diseños de Evaluación de Caso Único (SCDE)


  • Evaristo Barrera-Algarín Doctor en Trabajo Social Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales. Universidad Pablo de Olavide Director del Grupo de Investigación GITTEC (PAIDI Sej-608) en Trabajo Social y Nuevas Tecnologías para la Intervención Social



social work, experimental designs, single case designs, publications.


This article analyzes how Social Work has been able to provide a direct link between professional practice and the generation of knowledge through professional intervention. In this regard, Social Work has used various methodologies and scientific procedures such as experimental and quasiexperimental designs, along with so-called Single Case Design Evaluation (SCDE). In this study the different types and potentialities are described for the direct generaton of scientific knowledge based on the evaluation of professional practice. The method consists of analyzing publications on experimentation and SCDE, taking Scopus as a reference, with data exported from 1960 to the present. 14 variables have been analyzed for such purpose. Findings: there has been a significant increase in the number of publications on “Experimentation in Social Work” and “Single Case Design Evaluation in Social Work”, especially during the past decade. The United States and United Kingdom are the main producers of experimentation in Social Work. It is concluded that Social Work has been able to harness such strategies of methodological research to consolidate research capacity and generation of knowledge, whether for the generation of theory or for professional intervention purposes.


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Author Biography

Evaristo Barrera-Algarín, Doctor en Trabajo Social Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales. Universidad Pablo de Olavide Director del Grupo de Investigación GITTEC (PAIDI Sej-608) en Trabajo Social y Nuevas Tecnologías para la Intervención Social



How to Cite

Barrera-Algarín, E. (2021). Consolidación de la Investigación clínica y experimental en Trabajo Social desde 1960 hasta la actualidad: Experimentos, cuasi-experimentos y Diseños de Evaluación de Caso Único (SCDE). Acciones E Investigaciones Sociales, (41).


