Sociodemographic factors, mental health and social media: a comparative study on suicidal behavior




suicide, social determinants of health, social media, depression, psyquiatric comorbidity


Introduction: Suicide is a growing public health problem. The aim of this study is to analyze suicidal ideation, planning and/or behavior in relation to sociodemographic factors, mental health status and use of social media, comparing a group of people with suicidal behavior and those without suicidal behavior, matched by sex and age. 

Methodology: A comparative longitudinal descriptive study was carried out. The outcome variable was suicidal behavior. Sociodemographic, mental health and social network use variables were also collected. Chi-square and Student's T statistics were used and multivariate logistic regression was performed.

Results: 102 subjects participated, 51 of them with suicidal ideation or attempt, and 51 of them without suicidal ideation. Significant differences were found between these groups in terms of sociodemographic variables and history of psychiatric diagnoses. According to the multivariate analysis, the factors associated with self-injurious behavior are not being working (studying, unemployed, retired, or with temporary or permanent disability) (B: 1.193, Odds ratio: 3.298), having a depressive episode in the previous year (B: -2.350, Odds ratio: 0.095), and an anxiety disorder (B: -1.659, Odds ratio: 0.190). The model has a Cox and Snell R-squared of 0.418.

Conclusions: These results confirm the existence of a profile of people who may exhibit suicidal behavior. The different pattern of use of social media can be useful for instantaneous ecological risk assessment.


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Author Biographies

Claudia García-Martínez, Asociación de trastornos depresivos y ansiedad de Aragón (AFDA); Universidad San Jorge

Psicóloga sanitaria de la Asociación de trastornos depresivos y ansiedad de Aragón (AFDA). Docente del Grado de Psicología de la Universidad San Jorge. Estudiante del Programa de Doctorado en Psicología de la Universidad de Zaragoza.

Séfora Ene Gimeno, Asociación de Trastornos depresivos y ansiedad de Aragón (AFDA)

Psicóloga sanitaria en la Asociación de Trastornos depresivos y ansiedad de Aragón (AFDA). Estudiante del Programa de Doctorado en Educación de la Universidad de Zaragoza.

Samara Sáez Martínez, Asociación de Trastornos depresivos y ansiedad de Aragón (AFDA)

Psicóloga sanitaria de la Asociación de Trastornos depresivos y ansiedad de Aragón (AFDA). Estudiante del Programa de Doctorado en Psicología de la Universidad de Zaragoza.


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How to Cite

García-Martínez, C., Ene Gimeno, S., & Sáez Martínez, S. . (2023). Sociodemographic factors, mental health and social media: a comparative study on suicidal behavior. Acciones E Investigaciones Sociales, (44).
Received 2023-05-20
Accepted 2023-06-05
Published 2023-11-14