Telework in the Public Function: Law and collective bargaining


  • Raquel Yolanda Quintanilla Navarro UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS



Teleworking, public administrations, law, collective negotiation


In this work, the legal regime of teleworking in the field of the Spanish public service is analyzed, which requires a study both in the General Administration of the State and in the Administrations of the Autonomous Communities. To this end, it is based on RDLey 29/2020, of September 29, on urgent measures regarding teleworking in Public Administrations and human resources in the National Health System, to face the health crisis caused by COVID. -19 and we arrive at RDLay 29/2020, by virtue of which art. 1 art. 47 bis Royal Legislative Decree 5/2015, of October 30, which approves the consolidated text of the Law of the Basic Statute of Public Employees (onwards, EBEP), as a basic regulatory framework on teleworking for all Public Administrations - which must adapt their own regulations- together with the regional regulations in this regard.

Furthermore, this work stops at analyzing the role of collective bargaining in the regulation of teleworking within Public Administrations.



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How to Cite

Quintanilla Navarro, R. Y. (2023). Telework in the Public Function: Law and collective bargaining. Acciones E Investigaciones Sociales, (44).

Funding data

Received 2023-10-02
Accepted 2023-10-11
Published 2023-11-14