Reactualización, empatía e historia


  • José Carlos Bermejo Universidad de Santiago de Compostela



The Idea of Reenactment is a basic concept of the philosophy of History since R. G. Collingwood. This idea is inseparable of the concepts of Empathy, Mind, Moral Feelings and Moral Values. This is a study of this concepts from the philosophical and psychological and historical points of view. Through four case studies: the killing, the medical vision of the Holocaust, the experience of the asylums and the analysis of the feelings of mental patients to make evident the value and limits of the Idea of Reenactment.


Reenactment, empathy, mind, moral feelings and values. killing, holocaust, asylums.


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Author Biography

José Carlos Bermejo, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

José Carlos Bermejo Barrera is Professor of Ancient History in the Department of History at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). He is autor of several books on theory of history and history of religions. His most recent titles being Historia y melancolía (Madrid: Akal, 2018), La tentación del rey Midas. Para una economía política del conocimiento (Madrid: Siglo XXI, 2015) and Sueños para unas sombras. Caminos del mito griego (Santiago de Compostela: Enxebre Books, 2014).



How to Cite

Bermejo, J. C. (2020). Reactualización, empatía e historia. Historiografías, (19), 5–40.



Historia y Teoría