This is an outdated version published on 2020-12-31. Read the most recent version.

El drama entero de la vida de un pueblo. La idea de sacrificio en la obra de Joaquín Carrillo como elemento significante de la identidad Jujeña


  • Diego Citterio CONICET/UNJu
  • Mario Manuel Choque Corbacho Universidad Nacional de Jujuy



The purpose of this article is to examine the work by Joaquín Carrillo, Jujuy Federal Province of Argentina. Notes of his Civil History (with many documents), understood as Jujuy’s first historical book. It is to examine the meanings of the representations of the past constructed by the author through the idea of sacrifice he used to narrate Jujuy’s story, or what he called “the whole drama of a people’s life”.


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Author Biographies

Diego Citterio, CONICET/UNJu

Diego Citterio es associate professor of Historiography at the National University of Jujuy (Republic of Argentina). His latest research deals with the construction of regional historical identities in the province of Jujuy. He is also specialized in public history projects and social spreading of history on different platforms, social networks, cinema, and radio.

Mario Manuel Choque Corbacho, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy

Mario Choque Corbacho is a graduate student in History at the National University of Jujuy (Republic of Argentina). 




How to Cite

Citterio, D. ., & Choque Corbacho, M. M. . (2020). El drama entero de la vida de un pueblo. La idea de sacrificio en la obra de Joaquín Carrillo como elemento significante de la identidad Jujeña. Historiografías, 95–112.



Varia historiográfica