Formative Performance Assessment in the Process of Developing Translation Sub-competences
translation sub-competences, teaching translation, formative performance assessment for learning, foreign language teaching, online teachingAbstract
This research paper pertains to the method of student performance evaluation applied to the process of online collaborative learning. The model of evaluation is intended for the developing translation sub-competences and involves the analysis of the team members’ discourse in the process of negotiating meanings, in compliance with Gery Stahl’s claim that discourse constitutes interpretation (2004: 22). The devised individual assessment form encompasses the study of performance of collaborating team members in two dialogic spaces, the content space and the relational space of collaboration (Janssen and Bodemer 2013). The assessment procedure comprises the analysis of the students’ individual achievements as well as their contribution to the team expert knowledge building. The main goal of this research paper is to highlight the regulatory function of the formative performance assessment method for team learning and to indicate the interdependences between the collaborative learning, formative performance assessment as well as the communicative approach to learning, the latter constituting the theoretical framework for this research.
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Accepted 2023-05-02
Published 2023-12-19