Exhaustions of the non-object = Beckett

A hermeneutic reading of Deleuze's "L'épuisé"


  • Laia Badal Casas Universitat de Barcelona


exhausted, Gilles Deleuze, object = x, Samuel Beckett, becoming


In this article we analyse the text of L'épuisé, by Gilles Deleuze, from hermeneutics. We start from his definition of the figure of the "exhausted" as something that destabilizes the hegemonic logic of the structures of language, and we generate a rhizomatic dialogue between this figure and Deleuze’s thinking by summoning several of the publications and reflections of his entire career. The reflection on language, on literature and art as spaces of  détournement and on some bases of post-structuralism finally give way to the analysis of four filmed works by Samuel Beckett, which help to put into practice the theories formulated by Deleuze in the whereas they rub against them from their singularity, and from their own formulas of language exhaustion.


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"Creer, no en otro mundo sino en el vínculo del hombre con el mundo, en el amor o en la vida, creer en ello como en lo imposible, lo impensable, que sin embargo no puede sino ser pensado: 'posible, o me ahogo'. Solo esta creencia hace de lo impensado la potencia propia del pensamiento, por el absurdo, en virtud del absurdo."

Deleuze, Gilles, La imagen-tiempo

"–Murphy, la vida entera es figura y fondo.

–Un vagar en busca del hogar –dijo Murphy–. Nada más"

Beckett, Samuel, Murphy



How to Cite

Badal Casas, L. (2024). Exhaustions of the non-object = Beckett: A hermeneutic reading of Deleuze’s "L’épuisé". Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (42), 233–247. Retrieved from https://papiro.unizar.es/ojs/index.php/tropelias/article/view/10048



Received 2023-12-30
Accepted 2024-06-03
Published 2024-07-09