The Private, the Public and Comfort in the Spanish Social Novel of the Late 1950s

Entre visillos (Carmen Martín Gaite, 1958) and La piqueta (Antonio Ferres, 1959)




housing, domestic space, comfort, Spanish social novel, Carmen Martín Gaite, Antonio Ferres


From 1944 through the 1960s, ideas about the function of domestic space in Spain underwent a radical transformation. The opening up of Spain to international diplomatic and economic relationships forced architects and urban planners to be increasingly aware of the immense gap between traditional Spanish housing rooted in the nineteenth century, and the modern apartment high-rises that began to dot the urban landscape. This short article reflects on some of the tensions between various discourses of ‘comfort’ and domestic space in two Spanish novels of the late 1950s: Entre visillos (1958) by Carmen Martín Gaite and La piqueta (1959) by Antonio Ferres. After a brief overview of the central role that José Luis Arrese (Falangist architect named Spain’s Minister of Housing in 1957) had on housing policy and the subsequent privatization of the housing market as well as Beatriz Colomina’s argument in Privacidad y publicidad: La arquitectura como medio de comunicación de masas (2010) about the porosity of the public and the private in modern architecture in the twentieth century, this article considers ‘comfort’ as a key inflection point in the two novels analyzed here that both expose the logic and domestic practices of the Francoist ‘Catholic home.’


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How to Cite

Larson, S. (2024). The Private, the Public and Comfort in the Spanish Social Novel of the Late 1950s: Entre visillos (Carmen Martín Gaite, 1958) and La piqueta (Antonio Ferres, 1959). Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (10), 127–137.