Exile as doubling: "Le grand cahier", "La preuve" and "Le troisième mensonge" by Agota Kristof


  • Mario Alonso González Universidad Complutense de Madrid




exile, double, narrative identity, autobiographic space, Agota Kristof


In this work I propose a new perspective and interpretation of Agota Kristof’s trilogy through the convergence of two frames: thematic and identity theories. Therefore, I relate the different structures of the double theme in the twins of the story – a central issue in the trilogy – with the condition of exile from the perspective of the autobiographic space and the construction of a narrative identity. Furthermore, this relationship between the double and the exile has been found to be repeated throughout history. Consequently, this work tries to explain in a more exhaustive way the particularities of the trilogy.



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How to Cite

Alonso González, M. (2020). Exile as doubling: "Le grand cahier", "La preuve" and "Le troisième mensonge" by Agota Kristof. Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (34), 313–327. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_tropelias/tropelias.2020344270



Received 2020-02-20
Accepted 2020-04-21
Published 2020-07-17