The articulation of narrative identity in Simone de Beauvoir's autobiographical writing: from "The inseparables" to "Memoirs of a dutiful daughter"


  • Sara Pelaz Rabanal Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



narrative identity, autobiography, autobiographical writing, Simone de Beauvoir, The inseparables, Memoirs of a dutiful daughter


Simone de Beauvoir practiced autobiographical writing in its various forms, from diaries to autobiography, through autobiographical novels. Because of that, it is interesting to see how these types of autobiographical writing, in this case that of autobiography and autobiographical novels, constitute two forms of construction of the biographical event that result in two different types of identity articulation for their author. On the one hand, with the autobiographical novels Beauvoir manages to explore the possible paths or the possible truths that were denied to her in real life. While in the autobiography, what she constructs is her identity, endowing her life with a certain unity and escaping from fragmentation.


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How to Cite

Pelaz Rabanal, S. (2022). The articulation of narrative identity in Simone de Beauvoir’s autobiographical writing: from "The inseparables" to "Memoirs of a dutiful daughter". Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (37), 195–210.



Received 2021-07-25
Accepted 2021-09-27
Published 2022-01-03