The images of "El instante de peligro" (2015) by Miguel Ángel Hernández: fleeting reverberations between past and future




Miguel Ángel Hernández, Photography, Literature and Art, Time, Hermeneutics


El instante de peligro is a novel that is presented as a love letter sent to a dead recipient and that talks about art and photography as doors to the past, about the enigma of time and, finally, about writing as the only tool we have to remember the past and glimpse the future. The proposed analysis will focus on the meaning acquired by the images that guide the written text in relation to some emblematic works of contemporary art, from Past remains, by Tatiana Abellán, to Andy Warhol’s avant-garde films, including Les amants de Magritte and Cézanne and the importance of the shadow in his first pictorial works, as well as in the very plot of Hernández’s novel.


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Author Biography

Antonio Candeloro, Universidad Católica de Murcia

Doctor en Literaturas Extranjeras Modernas por la Universidad de Pisa, mis ámbitos de investigación van de la Literatura del Siglo de Oro (picaresca, Cervantes y reescrituras modernas del Quijote) y la literatura española moderna y contemporánea (en particular, Juan Benet, Luis Goytisolo, Javier Marías). En el 2011 publico sendas traducciones al italiano de las obras de Alonso de Castillo Solórzano, Le arpie di Madrid (1631) y de Antonio Enríquez Gómez, Il secolo pitagorico e Vita di Don Gregorio Falce (1644), ambas publicadas por la Editorial ETS de Pisa. En el 2016 aparece el ensayo monográfico Javier Marías y el enigma del tiempo (Murcia, Editum). En el 2021 aparece la traducción al italiano de la recopilación de microrrelatos de Manuel Moyano Teatro di cenere (Roma, Del Vecchio). En el mismo año aparece también Lecturas inquietas (coeditado con Laura Palomo Alepuz), recopilación de estudios sobre el acto de la lectura y los estudios literarios publicada por Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes y la Universidad de Alicante.



How to Cite

Candeloro, A. (2023). The images of "El instante de peligro" (2015) by Miguel Ángel Hernández: fleeting reverberations between past and future. Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (39), 21–42.



Received 2022-08-19
Accepted 2022-10-29
Published 2023-01-26