Ethical Code

The ETHICAL CODE of SALDUIE is inspired by that developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (, aimed at both editors, reviewers and authors.

Authors' commitments

When sending their article, the authors guarantee, first of all, that it has not been sent to other journals simultaneously. They also guarantee that the work is original and has not been previously published in whole or in part. In the same way, they guarantee that the data contained in the text is true and empirical data has not been altered to verify hypotheses. Likewise, they declare that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained or the proposed interpretations.

The authors declare that they are the owners of the rights to all the contents of the manuscript for publication, also guaranteeing the rights to images and other graphic content, in the same way that the contributions of other authors are conveniently cited or referenced.

Authors must indicate in the text any funding from agencies, institutions, projects, etc. from which the research article arises.

The issuing authors of the work guarantee the inclusion, without any exclusion, of those people who have made a significant scientific and intellectual contribution in its development, as well as in its planning, in the interpretation of the results and in its writing. They also guarantee that all authors appear in a hierarchical manner according to their level of responsibility and involvement, or, where appropriate, in alphabetical order of the first surname in case of equal co-responsibility.

The authors accept responsibility for the content of the article and that they are co-responsible for respecting copyright and reproduction of previous works that may have been used or referenced in their work, assuming all responsibility that may arise from non-compliance with current legislation.

The authors transfer the rights to the editors of SALDUIE for the publication and subsequent management for its possible inclusion in databases or repertoires of scientific publications, guaranteeing the constancy of their authorship and the unalterability of the published text.

When an author identifies a significant error or inaccuracy in his or her article after publication, he or she must inform the editors of the journal and provide them with all the information necessary to make the pertinent corrections, unless they are merely errors, with the editors committing to its publication at the end of the article, indicating the date of incorporation.

Reviewers and evaluators

The reviewers and evaluators of the manuscripts sent to SALDUIE assume the commitment to carry out a critical, honest, constructive and unbiased review, within the period established by the editors, using the SALDUIE public protocol and standards that appear on the SALDUIE website. magazine.

If a reviewer or evaluator rejects the review proposal to evaluate the work submitted by the editors (conflict of interest, not feeling competent, lack of time, etc.), they must communicate this fact immediately so that a new reviewer can be assigned.

The review must be objective, arguing in the evaluation form provided by SALDUIE the evaluations issued, and must make explicit reference to whether malpractice has been detected (plagiarism, conflict of interest, alterations of the results, etc.).

If modifications are suggested prior to publication, the reviewer may receive a second version of the article and will have a period of fifteen days to check whether the modifications have been made correctly by the authors.

The review must be carried out confidentially, without communicating it to the authors of the revised manuscript, or informing third parties of its content, unless expressly consented by the editors.

Publisher Commitments

The editors are not responsible for the accuracy of the information and opinions expressed by the authors of the contents of the articles evaluated and/or published, nor do they necessarily share the opinions expressed in them.

The editors and members of the scientific and advisory committees undertake to preserve anonymity throughout the evaluation process, as well as not to disclose any information about the articles submitted for publication to persons other than authors, reviewers and editors. They also undertake not to use in their research or professional activities, or to disclose, the contents of the manuscripts received without the written consent of the author, it being understood that if there is more than one, the authorization of all of them must be obtained.

The editors will guarantee that the reviewers are specialists in the evaluable topics and are perfectly qualified to issue a critical and expert appraisal of the work, with the least possible biases. The review/evaluation will be carried out by two reviewers for each article. In the event that there are obvious discrepancies between the evaluations, a new review will be carried out by two other reviewers. SALDUIE editors will evaluate submitted manuscripts only on the basis of the scientific merit of the contents, without any type of discrimination (race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, ideology, etc.). The same criteria will be applied in the selection of reviewers and evaluators. The editors undertake to publish the magazine on an annual basis, with the deadline ending in the month of December. In the event that the magazine becomes semiannual, the first issue must be published in the month of June and the second in December, except for major reasons, the editors undertake to communicate it on the magazine's website, as well as to authors involved. The editors undertake to begin the entire evaluation process no later than one month from the moment the original manuscript is received, and to communicate to the authors the result of the evaluations no later than three months (acceptance, rejection, or suggestions for modifications). In the case of evaluations with suggestions, the editors will inform the authors of the articles of the modifications they must make within a period of one month, sending the article back to the reviewers for re-evaluation within a period of fifteen days. The editors undertake that, as far as possible, there are no pools of articles awaiting publication.