Data protection


In accordance with the provisions of current legislation on the protection of personal data (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April), we inform you that the personal data you have provided will be processed by the University of Zaragoza as controller, being the competent body in the matter its Manager (Edificio Paraninfo 1. ª planta, Plaza de Basilio Paraíso nº 4, 50005- Zaragoza) before whom you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation, opposition or portability indicating specifically the reason for your request and enclosing a copy of your identity document. The request may be made in writing on paper or by electronic means.

If you are not satisfied with the exercise of your rights, you may contact the Data Protection Delegate of the University (; Tel. 876 55 30 13) or complain to the Spanish Data Protection Agency through the forms that this entity has enabled for this purpose and that are accessible from its website:

As the responsible party, the University informs you that it will exclusively process the personal data provided by you for the following purposes:

Editing and processing of articles submitted to any of the journals hosted in or equivalent pages of the University of Zaragoza if such articles are accepted for publication on the web.
Sending information about the appearance of the issues published in the journals hosted in or equivalent pages of the University of Zaragoza to which you, as a reader, have requested to receive publication alerts.
Sending originals for review if you have that role (reviewer) within the page or equivalent pages of the University of Zaragoza.
The University is legitimized to process this data as they are necessary for the edition and dissemination of electronic journals on the web, being the legal basis of the treatment the contractual relationship established between you and the University of Zaragoza when you send us the articles for editing and publication. Also to send you information, news and alerts if you have given your express consent.

The University will not transfer your personal data to third parties, except for the public communication of your authorship that involves the open publication, being such data for the exclusive use for the edition of electronic journals.

Your personal data will be processed and retained by the University only until they are no longer relevant or necessary for the purpose for which they were collected, then becoming part -prior expurgation- of the University Historical Archive in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on Historical Heritage.

The University of Zaragoza has a Data Protection page which includes legislation, information and models in relation to the Protection of Personal Data which can be accessed from the following link: