Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The work presented is original and unpublished and has been prepared respecting international quality standards, without malicious/interested manipulation or distortion, nor is it the result of plagiarism.
- The work presented does not correspond to a total or partial translation of another previously published in Spanish or other languages, either by the author or authors, or by other researchers.
- The authors have the corresponding authorization to use the graphic device already published, or it is open, properly citing its origin and provenance.
- All the signatories of the work have contributed intellectually to its planning and execution. They have also read and approved the final version and its publication.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Directrices del autor/a
- In the preparation of the article, all the criteria of scientific authorship have been respected and no person with responsibility has been omitted in the different phases of its preparation.
- The order of authorship respects the protocols of international scientific publications.
- The signatories of the work accept the SALDUIE publication standards, as well as submitting their work to an anonymous peer review process.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been, or is being submitted, for consideration by any other journal.
- The authors mention the sources of financing that could have been used for its development, as well as the projects or research groups to which, if applicable, they are affiliated.
- The authors nominally express their gratitude to the people and institutions that, without being signatories of the work, have contributed to its completion.
- The authors have the appropriate permissions for the publication of the materials studied and the information presented in the work, and these have been obtained in accordance with current legislation.
- The author responsible for sending the work to SALDUIE has the approval and acceptance of the rest of the signatories of this commitment in good manners.
- The principal investigator (P. I.) of the project to which this work is assigned, if applicable, has been informed and authorizes its submission, as well as its subsequent publication if accepted.
General or specific topics covered in depth. The text should not exceed 90,000 characters with spaces and 15 figures (images, maps, tables, etc.). Notes, footers, tables and figures must be accounted for. Only in very justified exceptional cases will longer texts be admitted. In any case, the Editorial Board, upon the submission of texts that exceed the maximum number of words established for this section, may recommend their reduction to make their publication possible.
Articles with shorter contributions than articles on current developments in archaeological research: excavation campaigns, prospecting and novel or significant findings, etc. Its maximum length will be 45,000 characters with spaces and 10 figures (images, maps, tables, etc.). The contents of this section will be subject to review by external evaluators. In any case, the Editorial Board, upon the submission of texts that exceed the maximum number of words established for this section, may recommend their reduction to make their publication possible.
This section will include those elements of material culture that, due to their entity or exceptional nature, their discoverers, researchers or scholars want to quickly make known to the scientific community. The text should not exceed 10,000 characters with spaces and 5 figures (images, maps, tables, etc.). In any case, the Editorial Board, when presented with texts that exceed the maximum number of words provided for this section, may recommend their reduction to make their publication possible.
Tribuna y Recensiones
Reviews on scientific publications commissioned from specialists in the subject or renowned authors, it will also include opinions on current archaeological heritage, etc. The text should not exceed 9,000 characters with spaces for reviews. Exceptionally, due to the interest of the work reviewed, longer texts may be accepted. In any case, the Editorial Board, upon the submission of texts that exceed the maximum number of words established for this section, may recommend their reduction to make their publication possible.
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SALDUIE is published under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Spain license, articles can be downloaded, distributed, transmitted and publicly displayed, provided that:
The authorship and original source of publication (magazine, editorial and URL of the work) are acknowledged.
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Cession of rights
The authors transfer the exploitation rights (reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation) to the SALDUIE magazine and the University of Zaragoza, editors of the magazine, in order to be able to manage its incorporation, if necessary, to different dissemination platforms. of scientific content. Only texts that include the declaration of authorship and transfer of rights in their submission will be evaluated.
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