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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The work presented is original and unpublished and has been prepared respecting international quality standards, without malicious/interested manipulation or distortion, nor is it the result of plagiarism.
  • The work presented does not correspond to a total or partial translation of another previously published in Spanish or other languages, either by the author or authors, or by other researchers.
  • The authors have the corresponding authorization to use the graphic device already published, or it is open, properly citing its origin and provenance.
  • All the signatories of the work have contributed intellectually to its planning and execution. They have also read and approved the final version and its publication.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Directrices del autor/a
  • In the preparation of the article, all the criteria of scientific authorship have been respected and no person with responsibility has been omitted in the different phases of its preparation.
  • The order of authorship respects the protocols of international scientific publications.
  • The signatories of the work accept the SALDUIE publication standards, as well as submitting their work to an anonymous peer review process.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been, or is being submitted, for consideration by any other journal.
  • The authors mention the sources of financing that could have been used for its development, as well as the projects or research groups to which, if applicable, they are affiliated.
  • The authors nominally express their gratitude to the people and institutions that, without being signatories of the work, have contributed to its completion.
  • The authors have the appropriate permissions for the publication of the materials studied and the information presented in the work, and these have been obtained in accordance with current legislation.
  • The author responsible for sending the work to SALDUIE has the approval and acceptance of the rest of the signatories of this commitment in good manners.
  • The principal investigator (P. I.) of the project to which this work is assigned, if applicable, has been informed and authorizes its submission, as well as its subsequent publication if accepted.

Author Guidelines


General guideline: submission will be made exclusively through the OJS platform of the University of Zaragoza, for this the main author of the article must register in the journal: /user/register

Features of SALDUIE

  • SALDUIE is a scientific magazine focused on the publication of archaeological works ranging from prehistory to the present, highlighting those developed in the Ebro Valley, and is open to national and international publications.
    Its periodicity from 2023 is semiannual.
    It is divided into 4 sections: Research articles on general or specific topics, News with shorter contributions on developments in archaeological research; Instrumenta in which significant elements of material culture will be briefly revealed but which in themselves have no place in the previous sections and Tribune - Reviews focused on recent and current editorial developments.
    The works will be original and unpublished.
    The publication of articles does not give the right to any remuneration.
    Authors will be entitled to a copy of the issue of the magazine in which their article was published, as well as a PDF copy of both the magazine and their article will be sent by email.
    The originals will not be returned unless expressly requested by the author.
    The authors will be responsible for the intellectual property rights of the text and figures.
    SALDUIE will assign all its articles a DOI that will enable their correct location, as well as their indexing in the databases.

The published texts will be published in strict order of arrival at the editorial office of the journal once they have been approved following the pertinent positive report from the evaluation by the blind peer system, made up of prestigious researchers specializing in the topic of the article. The evaluators will be external to SALDUIE and the institution or entity to which the authors of the evaluable article belong.
The Editorial Board (CR) will send a report to the authors of the articles indicating their approval, rejection and the recommendations for improvement indicated by the evaluators with the corrections and recommendations to be made. These must be incorporated by the authors in a new revised version of the article before its final acceptance. If the authors do not accept them, they must explain the reasons why they have decided not to accept them. In no case will discussion between authors and evaluators be encouraged.
Depending on the opinion of the evaluators, the publication of the submitted article will be decided, being assessed based on the quality and interest that the submitted works may have.
SALDUIE will publish on its website every 2 years the list of external evaluators, who must have previously accepted this point to act as such.
The CR undertakes to inform about the acceptance or not of the originals within a maximum period of 6 months from receipt, communicating the decision in a reasoned manner.

Authorship form

At the time of submitting the article, authors must previously accept the authorship guidelines and the commitment to good practices. Only those originals that comply with editorial standards will be taken into consideration for evaluation.

The articles published in SALDUIE are the property of the magazine, and it is necessary to cite the origin in any partial or total reproduction of its content. Your permission is required for any reproduction.

Sending originals

The works must be unpublished and not pending total or partial publication in other magazines, monographs, etc., and must be sent in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or WordPerfect format.
The text must comply with the editing standards of SALDUIE to avoid changes in the first tests. Texts in English, Italian, French, German or Portuguese are also supported.
The text will be preceded by a sheet with the title of the work and the data of the author or authors (name and two surnames, institution or workplace, complete postal address, telephone number, email, current academic situation and ORCID identifier (can be obtained for free at: and date of submission. In case of submitting several authors, it must be indicated who of them will be the interlocutor with the CR.
The authors may correct first proofs, although no substantial changes to the text will be permitted.

Article content

Title in Spanish and English. If the original is presented in another language, it must appear in all three languages. The title will have to be precise and indicative of the content.
Summary (maximum 1,000 characters with spaces) and Keywords (minimum 5 and maximum 10) in Spanish along with the respective Summary and Key Words in English. If the original is presented in another language, it must appear in all three languages. The approach, objectives of the work and the main conclusions reached must be stated. If the article is not written in Spanish, the summaries and keywords must be.
Keywords should not include the terms used in the title, as both are always published together. They must be terms that facilitate indexing in which reference is made to the temporal, geographical, thematic framework, etc.
The text must include the images included in their corresponding place in the text and numbered as correlative figures. (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.).
In the event that the article has been produced with public or private financing, the entity responsible for the financing and its identification code will be indicated clearly and concisely. If the text refers to unpublished results of research projects, the express authorization of the I.P. must be stated. responsible, if he were not one of the authors. Acknowledgments should also be placed at this point. This information should be included in a footnote on the first page of the text.
The Reviews, like the collaborations in the Tribune section, will be subject to review and approval only by the members of the CR who will commission recognized researchers to carry them out. They will present a methodical and critical analysis of the reviewed work.

The text must not exceed 90,000 characters with spaces and 15 figures for Articles, 45,000 characters with spaces and 10 figures for the News, 20,000 characters with spaces and 4 figures for instruments, and 10,000 characters with spaces for Tribune and Reviews. Notes, footers, tables and figures must be accounted for. Figures mean: images, maps, plans, graphs, tables, etc.
Only in exceptional cases will longer texts and a greater number of figures be admitted. The figures include: images, tables, graphs, etc.
The margins of the work will be: upper and lower 2.5 cm; left and right 2.5 cm. The font used will be Times New Roman 12 points, with single spacing, and the text box justified. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, 10 points, and should be used for comments or secondary clarifications and should be limited as much as possible. The indentation at the beginning of each paragraph will be the standard 1.25. No blank lines will be left between paragraphs, except between sections. In no case will bold letters be used.
The body will be structured into sections, whose headings will be numbered in Arabic indicating their hierarchy, without inserting letters or other types of numbering. Example: 1. CAPITAL LETTERS 1.1. Italic lowercase1.1. Round lower case.
The Magazine's box format is 15 × 21 cm; that of the column, 7.1 × 21 cm.
Appointment system

The “Harvard” system of citations in the text must be used, with the author's name in lower case and year separated by a comma, followed by the page or pages separated by a colon (last name, year: page) (Sánchez 1999: 56 -58). If there are two authors, the conjunction “and” will be included between them. If there are three or more authors, the last name of the first will be indicated followed by the phrase et al. If authors with the same last name coincide, the second last name must be added, while if they are brothers, the initial of the first name must be added after the last name. If they are brother co-authors, the initials of their names must appear after the first surname (Sánchez, J. and L. 1999: 57).
In the final bibliography, the names of the authors should be arranged alphabetically by surname in round type, followed by the year of publication in parentheses and a period. If there are two authors, they will be joined by the conjunction "and". If there are several authors, their names will be separated by commas, introducing the conjunction "and" between the last two. In the event that the same author has several works, the ordering will be done by the date of publication, from the oldest to the most recent. If two or more publications by the same author or authors coincide in the same year, they will be distinguished with lowercase letters (1997a, 1997b, etc.).
Wherever possible, URL addresses are provided for bibliographical references.


In the case of monographs, the place of publication will be indicated as mentioned in the original edition (e.g. Bordeaux, instead of Bordeaux), separated from the title of the work by a period; After a colon the name of the publisher will be added. In the case of articles or contributions to joint works, the corresponding pages will be indicated at the end, also separated by commas. The names of the journals must be included without abbreviation. References to queries made online (Internet) must indicate the Web address and in parentheses the date on which the query was made.


Journal papers

Maestro Zaldívar, E. M.ª (2018-2019). Un nuevo hallazgo de cerámica ibérica decorada con representaciones de caballos procedente de Labitolosa (La Puebla de Castro, Huesca). Salduie, 18-19: 33-42.


Carandini, A. (1997). Historias en la tierra. Manual de excavación arqueológica. Ed. Crítica. Barcelona.

Books in series

Lanau Hernáez, P. (2020). Los estrechos de Albalate del Arzobispo. Un conjunto con arte Esquemático historiado en Aragón. Monografías Arqueológicas (Prehistoria) 56. Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Zaragoza

Contribution to congresses

Franco Calvo, J. G. y Hernández Pardos, A. (2018). Puesta en valor del conflicto: el caso de las trincheras de Los Pilones de Rubielos de la Cérida (Teruel). En J. L. Lorenzo y  J. M.ª Rodanés (coords.): II Congreso de Arqueología y Patrimonio Aragonés (Zaragoza, 9 y 10 de noviembre de 2017) (pp. 467-478). Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados en Filosofía y Letras y en Ciencias de Aragón. Zaragoza.

Publications in repositories

Theses, dissertations, undergraduate reports and similar, as well as administrative reports, as long as they are unpublished, must appear in a note, never integrated into the final bibliography, they must indicate the web address of the repository and in parentheses the date of completion of the query (dd-mm-yyyy query).

Electronic publications

The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) must always be cited, then adding in parentheses the date on which the access was made (see dd-mm-yyyy).

On how to cite classic texts and authors

For the citation of Greek authors, the criteria of the Greek-English Lexicon dictionary by Liddel-Scott will be used. For Latin authors the criteria of the Oxford Latin Dictionary. A period will be included after the abbreviation of the author's name and the title of the book and commas to separate the book, paragraph and chapter (e.g.: Plin. Nat. 3, 3, 24: abbreviation of the author's name according to the indicated dictionaries, title in italics of the book abbreviated according to the indicated dictionaries, book, chapter and paragraph numbers separated by commas (all in Arabic numerals).

Graphic documentation

Images, maps, plans, graphs, tables, etc. are considered figures, which must be accompanied by their graphic scale or indication of geographic North in the case of maps/plans, and labeling of sufficient size to allow reductions.
Authors must cite the precise cartographic sources (printed or electronic) used in the preparation of the figures.
All graphic documentation will be presented without framing and will be adapted to the format of the magazine box, which is 15 × 21 cm.
The documentation must be of quality as the magazine format is in color, preferably in a TIFF or JPEG image file with a minimum of 300 DPI and with a resolution for a size of 16 × 10 cm.
The text will indicate the corresponding place where it is desired to include the graphic documentation with the reference (Fig. 1), ordering it correlatively.
At the end of the article text a list of figures with their corresponding captions will be included.

Rules for preparing the text

Textual citations in the text and in footnotes will be enclosed in quotation marks, avoiding italics. The omission of a part of the reproduced text will be indicated with (...).
Place names or names in Latin will be italicized, with “v” preferred instead of “u”, for both uppercase and lowercase letters (e.g. conventus better than conuentus).
For punctuation marks, abbreviations, etc. The instructions of the RAE will be followed.
Capital letters and abbreviations must be accented.
The years are recorded without punctuation: 2012, while the figures must be (350 kg).
For decimals a comma will be used (e.g. 3.57 cm), otherwise in English a period will be used (e.g. 57 cm).
Dates of C14 and other analytical references: in parallel with their mention in the text, a footnote must mention the laboratory reference and all added information (material, standard deviation, calibrations, etc.).
The centuries will be mentioned abbreviated and in lower case (12th century)

Percentage without separation of the figure: 17%.
Scale 1:50,000


General or specific topics covered in depth. The text should not exceed 90,000 characters with spaces and 15 figures (images, maps, tables, etc.). Notes, footers, tables and figures must be accounted for. Only in very justified exceptional cases will longer texts be admitted. In any case, the Editorial Board, upon the submission of texts that exceed the maximum number of words established for this section, may recommend their reduction to make their publication possible.


Articles with shorter contributions than articles on current developments in archaeological research: excavation campaigns, prospecting and novel or significant findings, etc. Its maximum length will be 45,000 characters with spaces and 10 figures (images, maps, tables, etc.). The contents of this section will be subject to review by external evaluators. In any case, the Editorial Board, upon the submission of texts that exceed the maximum number of words established for this section, may recommend their reduction to make their publication possible.


This section will include those elements of material culture that, due to their entity or exceptional nature, their discoverers, researchers or scholars want to quickly make known to the scientific community. The text should not exceed 10,000 characters with spaces and 5 figures (images, maps, tables, etc.). In any case, the Editorial Board, when presented with texts that exceed the maximum number of words provided for this section, may recommend their reduction to make their publication possible.

Tribuna y Recensiones

Reviews on scientific publications commissioned from specialists in the subject or renowned authors, it will also include opinions on current archaeological heritage, etc. The text should not exceed 9,000 characters with spaces for reviews. Exceptionally, due to the interest of the work reviewed, longer texts may be accepted. In any case, the Editorial Board, upon the submission of texts that exceed the maximum number of words established for this section, may recommend their reduction to make their publication possible.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.