Iberian prehistory: vignetting the past





Comics, Paleolithic, Archaeology, Visualization, Communication, Popularization, Graphic past


A general overview of the Prehisto-ry comics produced and set in the Iberian Peninsula is offered. To do this, the historical relations between comics and prehistoric research are outlined, a classification proposal of five subgenres is reaffirmed and then the uses of the prehistoric past in the modern Spanish state of Autonomies are traced. Next, a selection of representative comics of Paleo-lithic age, from the first settlers (ca. 1.3 my Ata-puerca) to the irruption of agriculture and livestock (ca. 8500 BC) is analyzed. A reflection on the interactions between archaeological documentation and creative imagination is introduced and some examples of children's and adult books are also considered. Finally, some reflections on the value of comics in Prehistory, mutual interaction and the prospects for new forms of communication through vignettes are offered. New expressive possibilities of vignetting the past.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Zapatero, G. (2022) “Iberian prehistory: vignetting the past”, Salduie, 21, pp. 7–27. doi: 10.26754/ojs_salduie/sald.2022216879.
Received 2022-04-19
Accepted 2022-05-26
Published 2022-10-04