Sky ladder by Cai Guo-Qiang, the construction of a happening


  • Dolores Gutiérrez Mora Universidad de Sevilla



Art, Contemporary culture, Sky Ladder, Cai Guo-Qiang


This paper analyzes the artwork Sky ladder by the artist Cai Guo-Qiang, which took place in a small fishing island near the southeast coast of China. This is an artwork that unfolds within the territory. The staircase is an ephemeral structure, built to be burned, and a symbolic construction, which aims to connect the earth with the sky, following the most general of human aspirations. Throughout the analysis, three thematic lines are identified and established, which -through their relationship with other theoretical and practical references- are recognized as cultural theoretical vectors. These are the estrangement produced by the scalar contrast, the new forms of rooting present in the relationship of the artwork with the local community, and the uneven temporality that connects the past with the future through the instant. These vectors are deployed in the artwork in the form of happening, shedding light on contemporary territorial issues, and trying to point to modes of intervention that can serve as keys to architectural work.


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Author Biography

Dolores Gutiérrez Mora, Universidad de Sevilla

Dolores Gutiérrez Mora (Sevilla, 1980). Es arquitecta por la Universidad de Sevilla (2006), donde también realizó el Máster en Ciudad y Arquitectura Sostenibles (2009) y se doctoró (2017), obteniendo la calificación de Sobresaliente cum laude. Es miembro del grupo de investigación Out_arquias. Ha publicado en el libro Idpa 02 (2016) y participado en el Primer Congreso Iberoamericano en Estudios de Paisaje (2018). Ha recibido varios premios en concursos de arquitectura, entre los que destacan el "Parque de las Graveras" y la "Feria de la Unión" en San José de la Rinconada, Sevilla, y ha participado en proyectos de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo. En la actualidad compagina la práctica profesional con la investigación académica.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Mora, D. (2018). Sky ladder by Cai Guo-Qiang, the construction of a happening. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (11), 196–207.