Teaching as a game. From Alvin Boyarsky to Enric Miralles


  • Jaime Coll Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya




Implicit, Explicit, Game, Oulipo, Alvin Boyarsky, Enric Miralles


The article exposes the arguments about teaching as a game, taking the testimonies and programs of various teachers and key theorists of the second half of the 20th century: the explicit education and the implicit learning of José Luis Pardo; the extrinsic or subjective education of Alvin Boyarsky in the AA of London in front of the intrinsic or objective education of Robert Slutzky in Cooper Union; the double anachronism of the teaching of architecture, an argument used by Josep Quetglas recurrently in debates; the teaching of architecture in the only 3 courses that Enric Miralles taught on the Etsab with its own program, courses that gather all the arguments discussed in the first three points. To those courses of Miralles is added an exercise at the Etsav and the well-known One double, Please! developped in the GSD in 1995. For Miralles, that game is a conversation and in all cases it appears what he called "parallel thinking", which he often explained as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It is interesting to recover and analyze the course and exercise programs of Enric Mirallestos because despite how much has been written and researched about his work, his teaching has been relegated and is practically unpublished.


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Author Biography

Jaime Coll, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Jaime Coll (Palma de Mallorca, 1964), is a PhD architect since 1994 and Full Professor of Architectural Design at ETSAB since 1998. He has been a postdoctoral Fulbright at Columbia University from 1994 to 1996. Together with Judith Leclerc they form COLL & LECLERC in 1996 in Barcelona. In the year 2007 COLL-LECLERC received the awards: City of Barcelona of Architecture, IX Spanish Biennial and the National Housing Award for the Building Facilities in London-Villarroel and were selected by Herzog & De Meuron-Ai Weiwei among 100 international teams for design one of the villas of the Ordos 100 Project in China. They have received the AVS award for the best public housing on two occasions: 2009 and 2018. jaime.coll@upc.edu


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How to Cite

Coll, J. (2019). Teaching as a game. From Alvin Boyarsky to Enric Miralles. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (12), 62–73. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.2019123543