Great events, future footprints. Ebro riverbanks and Expo Zaragoza 2008


  • Francisco Pellicer Corellano Profesor Titular de Geografía Física, Universidad de Zaragoza
  • María Pilar Sopena Porta Architect



Expo Zaragoza 2008, Ebro river banks, Urban River Basin Enhancement Methods (URBEM), Expo legacy, Great events, Assessment


Great events and, in particular, International Exhibitions leave deep legacy in the urbanism of the host cities. Expo 2008 was the opportunity to transform the whole city of Zaragoza and particularly the banks of the Ebro river, object of this article. Three key concepts summarize the legacy of Expo 2008 on the banks of the Ebro: the quality of urban design, infrastructures and equipment; the considerate diversity of the urban and landscape project; and sustainability in terms of energy efficiency and exchange between natural and social ecosystem elements. After 10 years since its construction, the long-term urban assets of Expo 2008 are analyzed and evaluated, with special emphasis on the banks revitalization of the Ebro as a strategy to improve quality and urban cohesion.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Pellicer Corellano, Profesor Titular de Geografía Física, Universidad de Zaragoza

Francisco Pellicer Corellano (Ambel, 1953). Degree in Philosophy and Literature (University of Zaragoza 1979). Ph.D. in Geography (University of Zaragoza 1984). Professor of Physical Geography at the University of Zaragoza. Technical Director of Expo Zaragoza 2008. Deputy General Director of Operations and Content and Head of the Thematic Area of Expoagua Zaragoza 2008. Director of the Expo Paisajes 2014 project and Director of the Ebro Environmental Center. Member of the Water, Law and Environment Research Group (AGUDEMA )

María Pilar Sopena Porta, Architect

Pilar Sopena Porta (Huesca, 1970). Architect (University of Navarra 1996). Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Art History (University of Zaragoza 2013). Professor of Interior Design at the Aragon High School of Design. Currently doing her doctoral thesis within the New Territories Doctorate Program in Architecture at the University of Zaragoza.


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How to Cite

Pellicer Corellano, F., & Sopena Porta, M. P. (2019). Great events, future footprints. Ebro riverbanks and Expo Zaragoza 2008. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (13), 62–75.