A framework, a toolkit and a proto-methodology for a digital and evolutionary urban design


  • Daniel Sarasa Funes Universidad Politécnica de Madrid




Digital urban design, Agile methodologies, Lean start-up thinking, Civic laboratories, Data sandbox


Starting with an analysis of some of the limitations of today’s urban design practice, this article justifies and explores the application of agile methodologies and lean start-up thinking to the discipline. We develop the adequacy of this approach on the grounds of the complex and ecosystemic nature of cities. We also show a practical guide of basic tools to apply these methodologies to public projects: mediation, data-sharing systems, and the so-called civic or urban labs.

Within the aforementioned framework, we propose a proto-methodology of agile and lean start-up urban design in 4 stages, which we illustrate with several examples or practical cases of design of public spaces and services. Although each example only partially addresses the use of the tools and the proto-methodology, overall they point to a promising path for further research towards an evolutionary methodology for urban design.


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Author Biography

Daniel Sarasa Funes, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Co-author, "Ciudad abierta, ciudad digital". Co-chair, Data Working Group at Eurocities. Editor, urbequity.com. Director, Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation. PhD Candidate at ETSAM (Polytechnic University of Madrid - UPM)


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2023-02-11 — Updated on 2023-02-14


How to Cite

Sarasa Funes, D. (2023). A framework, a toolkit and a proto-methodology for a digital and evolutionary urban design. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (19), 54–69. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.2022196811 (Original work published February 11, 2023)