The “fotoscop” by Joaquim Gomis and Joan Prats. Sequence, order, and cadence


  • Daniel González Gracia Universidad de Navarra
  • Aitor Acilu Fernández Universidad de Navarra



Photography, Joaquim Gomis, Joan Prats, Fotoscop, Antoni Gaudí, Ibiza


After years of friendship and collaboration in the cultural circles that defended the new art in Barcelona in the 1930s, Joaquim Gomis and Joan Prats met again after the war to conceive a unique photographic artifact that they would call “fotoscop”. During the following two decades, both would portray through their particular visual language and through their most diverse formats motifs as disparate as the anonymous rural constructions of the island of Ibiza or the chimerical architectures of Antoni Gaudí, casting an unusual gaze on both scenarios. But what exactly did that photographic device consist of? What were its visual characteristics and conceptual properties? How was the process of gestation of its photographic language? And what impact did this artifact have on the field of architectural criticism during the 1950s and 1960s regarding the critical judgment of Gaudí and Ibizan architecture? This article will delve into these questions based on a critical review of the testimonies and materials bequeathed by its protagonists, some of them unpublished, in order to establish new links and comparisons with previous contributions by other authors, with the aim of highlighting the value of this legacy.


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Author Biographies

Daniel González Gracia, Universidad de Navarra

Zaragoza, 21 September 1993. Graduate in Architecture, Diploma in Curatorial Studies (2017) and PhD from the Applied Creativity Programme (2021) of the University of Navarra with the doctoral thesis entitled "Dalla Spagna alla IX Triennale 1951. Coincidences with the "modern taste" between the arts and crafts of yesterday and today". Visiting researcher at the Politecnico di Milano (2019) and at the Universität für angewandte Kunst in Vienna (2022). His theoretical-projectual interests explore the various meanings attributed to the concept of "modernity" and the intersections between history and critical culture in the practice of modern and contemporary architecture.

Aitor Acilu Fernández, Universidad de Navarra

Vitoria, 3 October 1985. Graduate in Architecture (2010), Master in History and Theory (2011) and PhD by the Programme of History and Critical Analysis of Spanish Architecture of the 20th century (2015) of the University of Navarra with the doctoral thesis entitled "Journeys to the Mediterranean in search of modernity. AC 21: lugar de encuentro" (Extraordinary Doctorate Award and Arquia finalist thesis). Visiting scholar at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London (2013-2015). He is currently Assistant Professor Doctor (ANECA) and teaches at the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra. His research work focuses on the vernacular references for modern architecture, paying attention to the lines that diverge from the orthodoxy with which the history of modernity has been studied. He has participated in numerous national and international conferences and has published articles in journals such as ZARCH, Constelaciones, Materia Arquitectura, RITA, The international Journal of Design Education, ESTOA and Thinking Skills and Creativity.


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How to Cite

González Gracia, D., & Acilu Fernández, A. (2023). The “fotoscop” by Joaquim Gomis and Joan Prats. Sequence, order, and cadence. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (20), 156–169.



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