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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor).
  • The manuscript satisfies the bibliographic and stylistic requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in Submissions.
  • If you are submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you need to ensure that the instructions in "Ensure a blind review" have been followed.

Author Guidelines

As specified in ZARCH's “Section Policy”, the papers are:
- Unpublished works of investigation, criticism and dissemination of scientific activities in architecture.
- Open Submissions / Indexed / Peer Reviewed.

The evaluation of the external reviewers will affect:
- the interest of the article and its relationship with the theme of the call,
- its contribution to the knowledge of the subject matter and the news provided,
- the correct relationships established and the critical judgment developed,
- the bibliographic references managed, and
- the correct wording.

Those articles that are approved by the reviewers and are not subject to the theme of the call may be part of the "Miscellaneous" section.

Authors have the right to protect their intellectual property. ZARCH licenses the content from the authors, they own the copyright to their works. Authors may transfer the copyright in their works to ZARCH publishers.

The journal does not charge any fee to the authors for publication, nor to the readers for access to the articles. 

Authors who have already published in ZARCH are encouraged to consider other journals for new manuscript submissions, at least within two years of the publication of their last article.

The guidelines for authors are detailed below. The following templates are recommended for manuscript submission.

Template - cover page (download as word document)

Template - manuscript (download as word document)

1. Article length

The length is limited to 6,000 words, including captions, notes and bibliography. Articles must be written in Microsoft Word (extension “.doc”). The font to use will be Times New Roman for PC and Times Roman for Mac.

The languages to be used in the first shipment will be Spanish or English.

Both in one language and in another, the writing will be as clear and concise as possible. So that no article suffers, the reviews will also take into account the quality of the writing.

2. Page format

The text box will be defined by the following margins:
- Upper, lower and left: 3cm, and
- Right: 2cm.

There will be no headers or footers.

Pages will be numbered at the bottom, right aligned.

3. First page

- The title of the article, which must be concise and informative, with a maximum of 80 characters, in Spanish and English. It will be presented with:
• Times New Roman/Times Roman font,
• bolt font,
• body 12,
• front spacing of 12 points,
• rear of 18 points, and
• Exact line spacing 18.
- The abstract, which should not exceed 12 lines, in Spanish and English. It will be presented with:
• Times New Roman/Times Roman font,
• italics,
• body 9,
• posterior and anterior space of 6 points,
• exact 12 point spacing, and
• justified alignment.
- The keywords, which will never be more than six, in Spanish and English.

4. Main text format

The main text will be presented with:
- body 11,
- back spacing 6 points,
- spacing exact 15 points, and
- justified alignment.

The author may use italics to emphasize a term if desired.

The headings of the paragraphs will be presented:
- aligned to the left,
- no numbering, and
- adjusted to the following format:
• Main titles:
• Times New Roman,
• body 11,
• previous spacing 18 points,
• back spacing 12 points, and
• Exact line spacing 12 points.
• Secondary titles:
• Times New Roman italics,
• body 11,
• previous spacing 18 points,
• back spacing 12 points, and
• Exact line spacing 12 points.

Custom text formats will be rejected.

5. Footnotes

All the notes that the "author" deems necessary will go to the bottom of the corresponding page according to the following guidelines:
- Times New Roman,
- body 10,
- spacing before and after 6 points,
- justified alignment,
- exact 12 point spacing, and
- numbered from 1 in the context of the article.

In the text they will be indicated in superscript, without parentheses. The note number should be placed just after the word or phrase to be referenced; never after the end of the sentence.

6. Citations

All quotes must be in quotation marks and include a footnote indicating its origin.

Any bibliographical reference mentioned in the text will also require the corresponding footnote.

When the bibliographic reference has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) it must be indicated at the end of it.

The citations will be adjusted to what is indicated in "Citations and Bibliography".

7. Final bibliography

The bibliography will comply with everything specified in the "Citations and bibliography" section of this website.

It must be reduced to the essential that is directly related to the work sent.

Any citation or bibliographical reference indicated in a footnote should be included in the final Bibliography of the article.

The Bibliography will be located just after the text of the article and before the list of provenance of the images.

8. Figures, tables and images

The number of images to send will be 10, at most.

Only those that are really useful, clear and representative will be sent. The selected images will be explanatory of the text: drawings, plans, photographs, frames, charts... Their position in the text will be outlined in parentheses (figure 12) with the number that comes from the order they have in the article, starting the numbering from 1.

The images will be included in the order in which they are reviewed in the text, occupying an immediate position to the review, and ensuring that their insertion does not interrupt the paragraph.

The corresponding legends will follow the following guidelines:
- Times New Roman,
- body 10,
- spacing before and after 6 points,
- exact 12 point spacing without indentation, and
- justified alignment.

9. Origin of the images

The origin of any image contributed to the text of the article must be specified, citing the author if known and the bibliographic source from which it comes. For the latter, what is indicated in "Citations and Bibliography" will be followed.

The complete list of the images contributed with their corresponding origin will be located at the end of the article, preceding the notes. It will follow the following guidelines:

- Times New Roman,
- body 10,
- spacing before and after 6 points,
- exact 12 point spacing, without indentation, and
- justified alignment.

The images will be published in colour in the digital edition and in black and white in the print version. All images will be in tiff or jpg format and a size of no less than 12x18cm, with a 300 dpi resolution obtained directly from the scanned documentary source.

Scanned images will need to be descreened in the scanning process.

Once the external review has been carried out, if the article is accepted, the author who wishes to include images, figures or tables that come from other sources must request the corresponding permissions for publication from the copyright owners, which must be sent to the Editorial Board together with the version final article. To do this, ZARCH makes a model available to authors in Spanish and English (click here).

If any material received does not include such conformity, ZARCH will assume that the author has the permissions to publish it and will be exonerated from any liability.

10. CRediT authorship contribution statement

In articles authored by two or more co-authors, authors should carefully consider the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and provide the final list of authors at the time of original submission.

In addition, the contribution of each author to the research output presented in the manuscript should be specified, recommending the use of the CRediT taxonomy (Conceptualisation, Methodology, Validation, Formal Analysis, Research, Data curation, Writing (Original), Writing (Review and Editing), Visualisation, Supervision, Project administration and Funding acquisition).

11. Author and biographical data

When submitting the article, the author will fill in the Metadata, which will include their data (name and surname, institution, work address, telephone number and email) and a biographical review, in Spanish and English.

It will have a maximum length of 10 lines for each of the authors.

The data to be indicated will be precise, avoiding generic expressions. It will be essential to cite:
- place and date of birth,
- School or Faculty, University and dates of obtaining the titles of architect and phd, if applicable,
- Teaching categories acquired and the School,  Faculty and University, if applicable,
- Journals and/or books in which it has been published, with the number and year, if applicable,
- Any other merit that is considered appropriate.

12. Recommendations in favor of inclusive language

Inclusive language acknowledges diversity, conveys respect to all people, is sensitive to differences, and promotes equal opportunities. Content should make no assumptions about the beliefs or commitments of any reader; contain nothing which might imply that one individual is superior to another on the grounds of age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health condition; and use inclusive language throughout.

Authors should ensure that writing is free from bias, stereotypes, slang, reference to dominant culture and/or cultural assumptions. We advise to seek gender neutrality by using plural nouns as default/wherever possible to avoid using "he, she," or "he/she." We recommend avoiding the use of descriptors that refer to personal attributes such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health condition unless they are relevant and valid. When coding terminology is used, we recommend to avoid offensive or exclusionary terms. We suggest using alternatives that are more appropriate and (self-) explanatory. These guidelines are meant as a point of reference to help identify appropriate language but are by no means exhaustive or definitive.

Bibliography and footnotes

All articles and bibliographic reviews must be submitted according to the indications of Chicago Style.

It can be consulted in: Chicago Style. 16ª ed. Chicago: TheUniversity of Chicago Press, 2010 (

The Manual de estilo de Chicago roposes two ways to cite the sources consulted in the preparation of an academic paper. The first one is with footnotes and, if deemed necessary, as is the case, a bibliography at the end of the document. It is the style mostly used in art, history and literature texts, and the one adopted by ZARCH.

Below, there are examples of the type of documents that are most frequently cited. It is explanined how to cite them in the footnotes and also in the bibliography, following the aforementioned "Chicago style". At the end, some general notes on citations and bibliographies are detailed.



1.1 Books with one author


If the author is a person, the name and last name at least must be indicated, the first letters in capital letters and the rest in lower case, separated from the rest by a comma.

If the author is an institution, the name of the institution will be indicated with the first letter in capital letters and the rest in lower case. Acronyms may be added at the end and between parentheses.

The title will be reflected as it appears in the book, in italics.

1. Manuel CastellsThe rise of the dual city. Social theory and social trends (Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 1990), 88-93. 

2. Dirección General de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (DGAU), Ley sobre Régimen del Suelo y Ordenación Urbana (Madrid: Ministerio de la Gobernación, 1956), 51.


If the author is a person, at least one last name and first name will be indicated, separated by a comma, the first letters with capital letters and the rest with lower case, and separated from the rest by a comma.

Castells, Manuel. The rise of the dual city. Social theory and social trends. Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 1990. 

Dirección General de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (DGAU). Ley sobre Régimen del Suelo y Ordenación Urbana. Madrid: Ministerio de la Gobernación, 1956.

1.2 Books with two or more authors


In the case of books with two or three authors, the same procedure will be followed as in the previous case.

In the case of books with more than three authors, the footnotes must include the name of the first author followed by "et al.".

1. Vittorio Savi and Josep Maria Montaner, Less is more. Minimalismo en arquitectura y otras artes (Barcelona: Col·legi d'Arquitectes/Actar, 1996), 45.

2. Joaquín Bosque Sendra et al., Prácticas de geografía de la percepción y de la actividad cotidiana (Vilassar de Mar, España: Oikos-Tau, 1992), 41-43.


In the case of books with two or three authors, the same procedure will be followed as in the previous case, separating the different authors by semicolons.

In the bibliography, when dealing with books with more than three authors, it will be advisable to put all the authors.

Bosque Sendra, Joaquín; de Castro Aguirre, Constancio; Díaz Muñoz, María Ángeles; Escobar Martínez, Francisco Javier. Prácticas de geografía de la percepción y de la actividad cotidianaVilassar de Mar (España): Oikos-Tau, 1992.

Savi, Vittorio and Josep Maria Montaner. Less is more. Minimalismo en arquitectura y otras artes. Barcelona: Col·legi d'Arquitectes/Actar, 1996. 

1.3 Edited, coordinated or compiled books

The names are indicated in the appropriate way for the case and then the responsibility is indicated with abbreviations. In works in which the cited author intervened as editor, coordinator or compiler, this clarification is placed after the name, with the corresponding abbreviation: "ed.", "coord." or "comp."

If the main responsibility, authorship or others, is unknown, the title will be recorded as the first element.


1. Michel Senouillet, ed., Duchamp du signeécrits (Paris: Flammarion, 1975).

2. Ruinas de Conimbriga (Lisbon: Instituto Portugués de Museus, 1997).


Ruinas de Conimbriga. Lisbon: Instituto Portugués de Museus, 1997.

Senouillet, Michel, ed. Duchamp du signeécritsParis: Flammarion, 1975.

1.4 Books with corporate author

If one of the works consulted is published by an institution and the name of the authors is not specified, the name of the institution will be placed as the author in the bibliography, even if it is also involved as publisher. If the same institution is mentioned several times, acronyms can be used instead of the full name, specifying it in the bibliography.


1. Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Madrid: Cuarenta años de desarrollo urbano (Madrid: Ayuntamiento de Madrid, 1981), 83.


AM. Ver Ayuntamiento de Madrid.

Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Cuarenta años de desarrollo urbano. Madrid: Ayuntamiento de Madrid, 1981. 

1.5 Chapter of a book with a single author


Name and Surname(s), “Book chapter title in quotes”, Secondary responsibility (if any: ed., coord., etc.), Publication title in italics (City: Publisher in parentheses), pages.

1. Iñaki Ábalos, “La casa de Zaratustra”, in La buena vida. Visita guiada a las casas de la modernidad (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 2000), 13-36.


Surname name. Book chapter title. Secondary responsibility (if any: ed., coord., etc.). Publication title in italics, pages. City: Publisher, Year. 

Ábalos, Iñaki. La casa de Zaratustra. In La buena vida. Visita guiada a las casas de la modernidad, 13-36. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 2000. 

1.6 Chapter of a book with several authors


1. Marcello Fagiolo, “Le Corbusier versus Paris. Dal Plan Voisin alla Ville Radieuse: il cimitero della storia”, in Le Corbusier. La progettazione come mutamento, Cesare Blasi y Gabriella Padovano, coord. (Milan: Mazzotta, 1986), 129-44.


Fagiolo, Marcello. Le Corbusier versus Paris. Dal Plan Voisin alla Ville Radieuse: il cimitero della storia. In Le Corbusier. La progettazione come mutamento, coords. Cesare Blasi y Gabriella Padovano, 129-44. Milan: Mazzotta, 1986. 

1.7 Multiple chapters from the same book

If multiple chapters of the same book by multiple authors are cited, the book itself, as well as specific contributions, may be included in the bibliography. Individual contributions can refer to the publisher's book, to avoid having a repetitive bibliography.


1. Jacques Gubler, “¿La crujía es un tipo?”, in Louis I. Kahn, ed. Maurizio Sabini (Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal, 1994), 81-92.

2. Jacques Lucan, “De Gaudet a Kahn: el tema de la sala”, in Louis I. Kahn, ed. Maurizio Sabini (Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal, 1994), 93-102.


Gubler, Jacques. ¿La crujía es un tipo? In Sabini 1994, 81-92.

Lucan, Jacques. De Gaudet a Kahn: el tema de la sala. In Sabini 1994, 93-102.

Sabini, Maurizio, ed. Louis I. Kahn. Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal, 1994.

1.8 Following editions

The edition number of the work will be indicated as long as it is not the first. It will be done by means of the ordinal followed by the abbreviation "ed.", placed after the title.


1. Fernando Moral, Hormigón armado, 2nd ed. (Madrid: Dossat, 1942), 155.


Moral Fernando. Hormigón armado. 2nd ed. Madrid: Dossat, 1942. 

1.9 Books published in volumes


1. Miguel Lasso de la Vega Zamora, Quintas de recreo. Las casas de campo de la aristocracia alrededor de Madrid, vol. 2, Los Carabancheles (Madrid: Ayuntamiento de Madrid, 2007), 449.


Lasso de la Vega Zamora. Los Carabancheles. Vol. 2 of Quintas de recreo. Las casas de campo de la aristocracia alrededor de Madrid. Madrid: Ayuntamiento de Madrid, 2007. 

1.10 Editions

As can be seen in all the previous examples, the place of publication will be indicated followed by a "colon", the name of the publisher or institution that publishes the work followed by a "comma" and the year of publication.

Valencia: Iseebooks, 2008.

If there are more than two cities or publishers, they are separated with a "hyphen".

San Diego–New York–London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1981.

New York: Columbia University–Rizzoli, 1993.

Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza–Abington (England): Woodhead, 1993.

If the city is not well known, the name of the country or state to which it belongs can be added in parentheses.

Cheshire (Connecticut): Graphic Press, 1998.

If any of the elements is unknown, it will be indicated as follows: s.p. (no place of publication), s.e. (without publisher), and s.y. (no year of publication).

Martorell, Vicente. El rendimiento y el coste en la construcción. Formación de precios compuestos. Barcelona: s.p., 1958. 

If the document has any special characteristics regarding its edition, it can be noted (typed edition, not published, etc.).

ManziniEzioLa materia dell’invenzione. Milan: Arcadia-Montedison, 1986. Reprint and translation by the Centre Pompidou/CCI, Paris, 1989.



The title, responsibility and edition, as specified for the books. The identification of the number, issue or issue with number and/or date, depending on the type of journal.

2.1 Broadcast Magazine Articles

Weekly or monthly magazines are cited only by the date of publication.

Even if the exact page of a citation is included, the pages where the article is found are not included, since they usually include material other than that of interest (for example, advertising).


1. Luis Alonso García, “El espejo, la máscara y la daga (Tren de sombras, José Luis Guerín, 1997), Banda aparte, October 1998, 33.


Alonso García, Luis. El espejo, la máscara y la daga (Tren de sombras, José Luis Guerín, 1997). Banda aparte, October 1998.

2.2 Articles from academic and specialized journals


1. Kenneth Frampton, "Talento tectónico", AV Monografías 60 (May-June 2003): 101.

2. Giacomo Polin, "Silvano Zorzi. In. Co. Un nuovo viadotto", Casabella 490 (April 1983): 2-11.

3. Luis Sainz y Gutiérrez, “Datos históricos acerca de la construcción del puente llamado de Córdoba en la carretera de primer orden de Madrid á Cádiz”, Revista de Obras Públicas. Anales (1894): 13.


Frampton, Kenneth. Talento tectónico. AV Monografías 60 (May-June 2003): 101.

Polin, Giacomo. Silvano Zorzi. In. Co. Un nuovo viadottoCasabella 490 (April 1983): 2-11.

Sainz y Gutiérrez, Luis. Datos históricos acerca de la construcción del puente llamado de Córdoba en la carretera de primer orden de Madrid á Cádiz. Revista de Obras Públicas. Anales (1894): 13.

2.3 Newspaper articles

Newspaper articles can be cited in the body of the text (“as Delfín Rodríguez pointed out in ABC cultural on February 16, 2013…”), instead of in a footnote. They are not normally included in the bibliography or reference list. The following examples show the more formal ways of quoting them.


1. Delfín Rodríguez, "Cuando la naturaleza se hizo paisaje", ABC cultural, 16 of February of 2013, section Arte.


Rodríguez, Delfín. Cuando la naturaleza se hizo paisaje. ABC cultural, 16 of February 2013, section Arte.

2.4 Doctoral tesis

If the thesis is published, the reference will follow the Monographs model, maintaining the institution in which it has been presented.


Name and Surname(s), "Title of the thesis" (Class of thesis, Address, Academic institution in which it is presented, place, year), pages.

1. José María de Arana del Valle, "El color en el siglo XIX. Utilización de fondos de colores oscuros en los revestimientos de paramentos interiores en la arquitectura del siglo XIX" (Bachelor's thesis, Departamento de Construcción y Tecnologías Arquitectónicas, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, 2013), 77-79.


Surname(s), Name. Thesis title. Thesis class. Address. Academic institution in which it is presented, Place, Year.

De Arana del Valle, José María. El color en el siglo XIX. Utilización de fondos de colores oscuros en los revestimientos de paramentos interiores en la arquitectura del siglo XIX. (Bachelor's thesis. Departamento de Construcción y Tecnologías Arquitectónicas, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, 2013.

2.5 Lecture, essay or article presented at an academic event


1. José Tamés Alarcón. “Proceso urbanístico total de una comarca, derivado de la creación o transformación de sus fuentes de riqueza” (lecture presented at the III Meeting of Urban Planning Technicians, Institute of Local Administration Studies, Madrid, May 10-14, 1948).


Tamés Alarcón, José. Proceso urbanístico total de una comarca, derivado de la creación o transformación de sus fuentes de riqueza. Lecture presented at the III Meeting of Urban Planning Technicians, Institute of Local Administration Studies, Madrid, May 10-14, 1948.



3.1 Websites

When consulting pages on the Internet, references should include as much information as possible to determine: author of the content, title of the page, title or owner of the site, and URL.


1. Centro de Documentación del Arte Románico (CeDAR), “Iglesia de Santo Domingo de Silos, Alarcón, Cuenca”, Santa María la Real Fountation, (consulted the 17 of May of 2012).



CeDARSee Centro de Documentación del Arte Románico.

Centro de Documentación del Arte Románico. Iglesia de Santo Domingo de Silos, Alarcón, Cuenca. Santa María la Real Foundation. (consulted the 17 of May of 2012).

In sites with more or less informal content, such as personal pages, and the titles can vary, descriptive phrases can be used.

1. Official website of the Gio Ponti archives, “Ritratti”,

3.2 CD-ROMs and DVDs

Compact discs are cited the same as printed works. The place of publication and date are omitted unless relevant.


Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia. Dipartimento di Storia dell'ArchitetturaTomba monumentale BrionIl rilievo 1998-2000. DVD, 2000. 

Faximil Edicions DigitalsUniversitat de ValènciaCartografía histórica de la ciudad de Valencia (1608-1929). CD-ROM, 2004.

3.3 Legislation

To refer to articles from various legislations, the name of the legislation is placed as the author in the bibliography. If the same legislation is used several times, acronyms can be used instead of the full name, specifying it in the bibliography.


1. Ordenanzas Municipales de la Villa de Madrid (Madrid: Imprenta Municipal, 1892), chapter XII, article 365, 4ª.


OMVM. Ver Ordenanzas Municipales de la Villa de Madrid.

Ordenanzas Municipales de la Villa de Madrid. Madrid: Imprenta Municipal, 1892.



4.1 When the same work is cited several times with footnotes, after the second time only a concise reference to the work can be included, since the reader already has the complete information. In this way, the use of expressions such as “op.cit.”, which can be confusing, is avoided.

1. Peter Hall, Ciudades del mañana. Historia del urbanismo en el siglo XX (Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal, 1996), 215-52.

5. Hall, Ciudades del mañana, 86.

1. Carles FochsJ.A. Coderch de Sentmenat. 1913-1984 (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1989), 37-42.

4. FochsCoderch de Sentmenat, 18.

4.2 Bibliographies should be arranged in alphabetical order, paragraphs should be indented hanging. When several works by the same author are included, starting with the second, his name is replaced with five consecutive hyphens and they are organized by year of publication. If an author has several works in the same year, letters (a, b, c...) are added to the year to differentiate them.

Préstamo y Hernández, Felipe. Cuba. Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Miami: Ediciones Universal, 1995.

Rigau, Jorge y Stout, Nancy. Havana. New York: Rizzoli, 1994.

Rodríguez, Eduardo Luis. La Habana. Arquitectura del siglo XX. Barcelona: Blume, 1998.

_____, ed. La Arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno. Selección de Obras del Registro Nacional. Docomomo Cuba. La Habana: Ediciones Unión, 2011. 

Rodríguez Alomá, Patricia. Viaje en la memoria. Apuntes para un acercamiento a La Habana Vieja. Pamplona: Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos Vasco Navarro (COAVN), 1996.

Scarpaci, Joseph L.; Segre, Roberto; Coyula, Mario. Havana. Two Faces of the Antillean Metropolis. Chapel Hill (Carolina del Norte): The University of North Carolina Press, 2002.

Segre, Roberto. Transformación urbana en Cuba: La Habana. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1974. 

_____. Havana. From Tacón to Forestier. IPlanning Latin America´s Capital Cities.1850-1950, ed. Arturo Almandoz, 193-213London: Routledge, 2002. 

_____. La Perle des AntillesOmbres et Utopies Tropicales de La Havane. In Cruaté & UtopieVilles et paysages d´Amerique latine, ed.Jean-François Lejeune, 134-45. Brussels: Centre international pour la villel’architecture et le paysage (CINVA), 2003. 

_____. Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Revolución Cubana. La Habana: Editorial Félix Varela, 2008. 

TaschenAngelika y Pérez Hernández, Julio César. Inside Havana. Colonia: Taschen, 2011.

Treister, Kenneth; Préstamo, Felipe; García, Raúl B. A Pictorial and Cultural History of an Unforgettable CityGainesville (Florida): University Press of Florida, 2009.

4.3 Normally, the names of the authors must be included as they appear in the consulted work. Some works do not specify the first names of the authors and only have initials, so it is not necessary to investigate the full name.

4.4 In Spanish, most authors specify their two last names. These can be included in the bibliography, but in the citations within the text it is enough to put the first surname.

4.5 When handling page numbers, only the digits that change should be included. For example, if an article is found between pages 245 and 268 of a journal, only “245-68” will be written in the citations and bibliography.


Submission procedure

All articles must be submitted through the OPEN JOURNAL SYSTEMS (O.J.S.) digital platform of the journal:

For this it is necessary to be registered as an author.

Articles must be DOC or DOCX format with images embedded at low resolution, located in the place of the text where they wish to be incorporated. The final quality images will also be sent separately, as indicated below. The text file will have as title the title of the article or its first words; figures or tables will be named the same, followed by their number. The use of metadata in files that can give information about the authorship of the article will be avoided.

The documents must comply with the indications of the sections "Articles" and "Notes / Bibliography"

The process to upload an article is as follows:

In the upper right corner, click on “Register”. Fill in all fields: given name, family name, affiliation, country.
Once completed, enter the platform. In the upper right corner, display the content in username and select “View profile”. In the “Contact” tab, fill in all the data.

In the left column, select “Submissions”. Click on “New Submission”.
Tab “1. Start”. Select the submission language. In “Section”, display the content and select “Thematic article” or “Miscellaneous”.
In “Submission Requirements”, tick the boxes after reviewing that the article meets ALL that is specified in each.
Check the privacy statement box.
Press “Save and continue”

Tab “2. Upload Submission”. Subtab “1. Upload file”: in “Article Component”, display the content and select “Article Text”. Verify that what is stated in "Ensuring a Blind Review" is complied with. Drag and drop the file in Word format (extension .doc. Maximum size 2MB). Press “Continue”.
Subtab “2. Review Details”: press “Continue”.
Subtab “3. Confirm”: press “Add another file” to repeat the process and upload each of the figures in the text.
When uploading the figures, in “Article Component”, display the content and select “Other (resolution 300 dpi, maximum size 2MB). All figures must be numbered consecutively and uploaded in order. In “2. Review Details” fill in the “Description” field (for example: Figure 1).
Al subir las figuras, en “Seleccionar el componente del artículo”, abrir cortinilla y seleccionar “Otro” (resolución 300 ppp., tamaño máximo 2MB). Todas las figuras han de estar numeradas correlativamente y subidas en orden. En la pestaña “2. Metadatos” rellenar al menos el campo “Descripción” (por ejemplo: Figura 1).
Once the text and all the figures have been uploaded, click on “Complete”.
Press “Save and Continue”.

Tab “3. Enter metadata”. Fill in in English and Spanish “Title” and “Abstract”. It is essential to fill in the two fields in both languages.
 “List of Contributors”, display the menu below the author name and press “edit”. Complete all data, including the bio statement in Spanish and English. If the article is signed by more than one author, click on “Add Contributor”. Fill in at least the fields of given name, family name, email, country, affiliation and bio statement in Spanish and English. In “Contributor’s Role”, select “Author”.
Fill in the “Keywords” field in Spanish and English.
Copy the article bibliography in the “References” field. Each reference must be on a separate line.
Press “Save and Continue”.

Tab “4. Confirmation”. Check that everything is correct. If so, click on “Finnish Submission”.
The system can return to any previous step by clicking on the corresponding tab.
If you have any questions or problems, you can contact the journal at the following email address:

Topic papers

Papers submitted for the call for papers, and refereed.
They must present unpublished research work, critic or dissemination of scientific activities in the fields of architecture and urbanism.
In the double blind peer review process, the evaluation will make emphasis on the significance of the work, its contribution to knowledge in the field of study, its originality, the validity of the discourse and the critical judgment, the use of bibliography and the referencing technique, as well as in the correctness of the written text.


Papers submitted whose content does not fit in the specific subject of the issue.
Papers that reply to others from previous issues.
They will satisfy the same review conditions as the thematic articles.

Privacy Statement

User registration online is possible through the OJS platform for the participation as author or to report the interest in participating as an external reviewer. The privacy policy of the journal is governed by the rules of data protection or Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD): user data will not be distributed without their explicit permission and, in the event that they become part of a mailing list, it will be exclusively for the communicating of information relating to the journal. Upon request by e-mail, a user's email address is removed from mailing lists. By the same procedure, all data held about the user will be made available to the user.