A new imaginary: contributions of women in America


  • Edurne Pérez Díaz de Arcaya Universidad de Zaragoza




Black Mountain College, women, nothing, laboratories, idea, hidden


The arrival to Berlin of Nazis SS troopes in 1933 caused the exodus of European artists and architects. They flight together with their wifes escaping from an imminent war. Many of them found the promise of a new opportunity in North Carolina: the Black Mountain College. An experimental school opened its doors in the middle of an economic recession, with the goal of teaching to think. Prominent European figures arrived to North Carolina with the hope of continuing their projects. Their wifes and female colleagues turned the nothing which they find to a big opportunity. With them other women joined Black Mountain College experience and created a new generation hidden for the men’s practice. Women, used to work with practically nothing, found there the framework for the beginning of a new way of thinking. The classrooms were opened to new fields like mathematics or geometry turning the European ateliers into experimental laboratories. Anni Albers showed these women how to weave the nothing as a new matter. With her, Ruth Asawa, Dorotea Rokburne and Anne Tyng built a new way of thinking detached, as they, of any material. This hidden generation didn´t provide built samples, but a new imaginary for another architecture.


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Author Biography

Edurne Pérez Díaz de Arcaya, Universidad de Zaragoza

Edurne Pérez Díaz de Arcaya (Vitoria, 1978) es Arquitecta por la Universidad de Narra (2001), Máster europeo en Arquitectura (UNIZAR 2014) para el que recibió una beca del MEC y doctoranda en el  Programa de Doctorado "Nuevos Territorios" de la Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR). Desarrolla su trabajo desde 2001 en Taller Básico de Arquitectura, donde ha desarrollado proyectos y obras premiadas y publicadas en el ámbito nacional e internacional, como Biokilab (AJ Small Project y Premio COAVN), "Casa para un hombre y un árbol" (ICONIC Award 2015, Chicago Athenaeum International Prize 2015, Best Architects 2017, Dedalo Minosse 2017) o la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud en la Universidad San Jorge (AR&d Awards, ICONIC Award, García Mercadal,  Bienal Barbara Cappochin o el Chicago Athenaeum International Prize).


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Albers, Anni. 1951. On Designing, New Heaven: Pellango Press.
Albers, Anni. 1965. On weaving. Middletown Conn: Wesleyan University Press.
Blume, Eugen. 2015. Science and its double. En Black Mountain, an interdisciplinary experiment 1933-1957. Leipzig: Spector Books.
Boostic, Conie. 2002. Dorothea Rockburne Interview. Black Mountain College Journal. http://www.blackmountainstudiesjournal.org/volume-11-spring-2011/1-1-dorothea-rockburne-interview/ (consultado el 16 de julio de 2017).
Buckminster Fuller, Richard. 1962. Education Automation. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press.
Dreier, Theodore. 1933. Carta enviada a Josef Albers.
Duberman, Martin. 1972. Black Mountain College: An Exploration in Community. New York: Dutton.
Harris, Mary Emma. 1987. The arts at Black Mountin Collage. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Harris, M. E.; Benfey, C.; Díaz. E.; de Waal E.; Perl J. 2005. Starting at Zero: Black Mountain College 1933-1957. Bristol: Arnolfini.
Juárez Chicote, Antonio. 2006. El universo imaginario en Louis I. Kahn. Barcelona: Fundación Caja de Arquitectos. Arquia tesis/20.
Moleswort, Helen. 2015. Leap before you look: Black Mountain College 1933-1957. Boston: Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston/Yale University Press.
Olson, Charles. 1974. Olson: the journal of the Charles Olson Archives n. 10. Connecticut: University of Connecticut Library Storrs.
Rosenburg, Karen. 2013. Mathematical Ratios, Papered, Folded and Cut Dorothea Rockburne’s Drawings at the Museum of Modern Art. The New York Times. Nueva York, 12 de diciembre.
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Tyng, Anne. 1986. Interview by Alessandra Latour. En Louis I. Kahn, l`uomo, il maestro. Roma: Edizioni Kappa.



How to Cite

Pérez Díaz de Arcaya, E. (2018). A new imaginary: contributions of women in America. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (10), 238–249. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.2018102944