Multihalle by Frei Otto. A cover generated by compression, as a model. Mannheim, 1974-1975
Frei Otto, Optimization, Wood structure, Compression, Form-findingAbstract
Frei Otto is well known for his tractioned membrane architecture. Perhaps that is why his work with elements working in compression has been dismissed. The Mannheim´s Multihalle is a pavilion of great dimension that stands out for its structural behaviour: with highly optimized resources, savies such great lights. At first, it was designed for a temporary use, but until now the pavilion has been standing for 43 years, which highlights its great value. Without the technology of today the calculation of the Multihalle was quite a feat. The pavilion served at the same time as a test model and a building.
The daring of the german architect when making the simplest complex cover in the world inspired this article. We describe through models the formalization process of its lattice.
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