The Learning of Architecture


  • Berta Bardí i Milà Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  • Daniel García-Escudero Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  • Carlos Labarta Aizpún Universidad de Zaragoza



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Author Biographies

Berta Bardí i Milà, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Berta Bardí i Milà. International PhD in Architecture from the ETSAB-UPC in 2013 with the thesis “The houses of Arne Jacobsen: the courtyard and the pavilion”, Extraordinary Award UPC 2016, and Second Prize in the 11th Architecture Thesis Biennial Competition at the Fundación Caja de Arquitectos 2017. Tenure-eligible lecturer Serra Húnter at the Architectural Design Department in ETSAB. Previously, Adjunct lecturer at the ETSAB and ETSAV of 2010-2018, and Researcher-Teacher Staff with a FPI-UPC scholarship 2006-2009. Co-director of the Workshop on Educational Innovation in Architecture JIDA and of the book collection Textos de Arquitectura, Docencia e Innovación, awarded as a periodical publication and as a research article in the 14th BIAU 2016-2017. Editor of the DPA and PAB journals. Editorial Committee of the VLC Research Journal. Author of articles in JOTSE, En Blanco, VLC, PPA, Palimpsesto, Bac Academic Bulletin and DPA, and of the books Josep Maria Sostres: Centenario (Buenos Aires: Editorial Diseño, 2015) and Discovering Architecture (Button Books, 2019).

Daniel García-Escudero, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Daniel García-Escudero. PhD in Architecture from the School of Architecture in Barcelona of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ETSAB-UPC). His doctoral thesis, “Espacio y recorrido en Alvar Aalto”, won an award at the 9th Architecture Thesis Biennial Competition at the Fundación Caja de Arquitectos.  He is currently an Associate Professor at Architectural Design Department at the ETSAB, where he also works as Head of Studies. In recent years he has been in the area of teaching as research and teaching research. Together with Berta Bardí i Milà, he co-directs the Workshop on Educational Innovation in Architecture JIDA and the Textos de Arquitectura, Docencia e Innovación collection. Both initiatives have been awarded at the 14th Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, and have been present in the Spanish pavilion “Becoming” at the Venice Biennale 2018. His teaching work has also been recognized with various academic awards. He is the author of scientific texts on Nordic architecture and co-author of the monograph Josep Maria Sostres: Centenario (Editorial Diseño, 2015). He has been an associate editor of the VLC Research Journal.

Carlos Labarta Aizpún, Universidad de Zaragoza

Carlos Labarta Aizpún. Arquitecto por la Universidad de Navarra (ETSAUN), 1987. Becado Fulbright, Master in Design Studies, GSD, Universidad de Harvard, 1990; Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado, ETSAUN, 2000. Profesor Titular de Proyectos Arquitectónicos, Universidad de Zaragoza y Profesor Visitante, ETSAUN. Beca Eisenhower 2006. Su labor investigadora, fundamentalmente sobre la arquitectura del siglo XX, ha sido difundida en revistas especializadas, entre otras Revista de Arquitectura RA o Proyecto Progreso y Arquitectura PPA, libros conjuntos como Architects´Journeys, GSAPP Books Columbia University/T6)Ediciones, 2011 o, con la misma editorial, After the Manifesto 2014. Premio de Urbanismo del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, 1991. Proyectos premiados en sucesivas ediciones del Premio García Mercadal del Colegio de Arquitectos de Aragón. Ha participado con su obra en exposiciones conjuntas como “Habitar el Presente”, Nuevos Ministerios, Madrid, 2007. Prefinalista y Seleccionado en las ediciones XII y XIV Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, 2014 y 2018. Dos tramos de investigación por la CNEAI.



How to Cite

Bardí i Milà, B., García-Escudero, D., & Labarta Aizpún, C. (2019). The Learning of Architecture. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (12), 2–7.