From collaborative practices to the classroom as a network laboratory


  • Enrique Espinosa Pérez Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Manuel Pascual García Universidad Politécnica de Madrid



Learning, Collaboration, Peertopeer, Experience, Network, Tactic


In the last 25 years, a number of radical transformations have taken place in the world and in architecture. These have put in crisis not only the professional paradigm of our discipline, but also, consequently, its educational model. Internet, the real estate and educational bubbles, and a recession and transformation of the economy in Europe within a hyperconnected world, have favored the emergence of other models of professional exercise which have anticipated potential revolutions in the teaching-learning duo.
In the Spanish context, the emergence of a collective architecture scenario between 2001 and 2010 is relevant. Within these practices, echoes have been detected with global phenomena in the spheres of innovation and open culture; at the same time, these practices imply per se contexts where collaborative production and learning take place in a singular and reciprocal way. This article traces possible methodological transfers between these collective environments and a new university classroom model that enhances teamwork. The class understood as a community with connections between each other and to contemporary reality and university experience as a laboratory. The student is protagonist accompanied within a network learning experience.


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Author Biographies

Enrique Espinosa Pérez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Enrique Espinosa Pérez (Cuenca, 1981) is an ETSAM architect since 2009, PhD student and researcher. He is an assistant professor of the Department of Architectural Projects (DPA) of the School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) since 2015, within the CoLaboratorio teaching unit, and he's a member of the research groups ProLab and Dispositivos Aglutinadores de Proyectos (DAP). With DAP he has been awarded with the first prize for educational innovation projects UPM 2018 with "Collaborative Project Tactics". As a researcher-curator, he has been guest editor of number 375 of the magazine Arquitectura  COAM and co-curator and co-editor of the first issue of the DPA ETSAM Argument Series, Sampling Contexts. Professionally, he has been a co-founder of PKMN (2006-2016), winner of the Prize for Next Arquia Prize 2014 and author of several works such as All I Own House or Teruelzilla (selected at the 2013 Mies van der Rohe Awards). Since 2016 he leads Eeestudio.

Manuel Pascual García, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Manuel Pascual García (Madrid, 1980) is an ETSAM architect since 2016. He is an assistant professor of the Department of Architectural Projects (DPA) of the School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) since 2017. From 2011 he's been a visiting professor at the PEI of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá. Founding partner of the Ciudad Escuela platform, a research project supported by the Museo Reina Sofía in 2014. Founder of the research platform Intelligences Colectivas, Prize Arquia Próxima 2012, which participated in "Uneven Growth. Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities ", curated by Pedro Gadanho and exhibited at MoMA in New York and at MAK in Vienna. Professionally he is a founding partner of ZULOARK (2001-present) architecture studio that has participated in emerging design processes such as El Campo de Cebada, Prize of the XII Spanish Architecture Biennial and designed the Pavilion for Donostia, Capital of European Culture 2016 (DSS2016).


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How to Cite

Espinosa Pérez, E., & Pascual García, M. (2019). From collaborative practices to the classroom as a network laboratory. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (12), 148–161.