José Antonio Corrales. Letters from America.




José Antonio Corrales, New York, Section, Location


For the Spanish Pavilion competition at the 1965 New York World's Fair, Corrales and Molezún, surprisingly presented themselves. They would show, in this way, the individual confidence in their architectures, together with their personal courage that, after the shared success of Brussels, could be repeated here. Going alone, perhaps involved greater risk. Between 1962 and 1968, Corrales was presented alone to three more competitions as an advance or corollary of the American project section. I would also build a house today missing. From diverse programs, surfaces and locations, the transfer of ideas between them all becomes evident. The operations are repeated: on seemingly bland or complicated places, Corrales will invent new Places. The oblique section deposited in the place is the tool chosen by him. Its gradual improvement is revealed in its search to achieve its objectives. The section of the New York Pavilion is already clear, as a turning point. Fleeting as the Exhibition itself invites us to observe it with attention. Clear reference that allows us to appreciate what happened in his solo work in the previous and subsequent years.
My weekly visits to his studio during 2010, allowed me to discover many projects, drawings and poems. Some of them unpublished see the light here for the first time. They are nothing other than the manifest essence of José Antonio Corrales himself.


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Author Biography

Nicolás Martín Domínguez, Escuela de Arquitectura de Toledo. Universidad de Castilla la Mancha

Nicolás Martín Domínguez (Madrid, 1975). ETSAM Architect, 2003. Project Professor of Toledo School of Architecture, Castilla-La Mancha University. The most important part of my professional work has been developed through fifteen years of full-time collaboration with the studio of Juan Ignacio Mera González. In this period I have directed or formed part of the teams that have prepared a total of 86 national and international architecture competitions. Also of the architectural projects developed in those years. Together with him, also in collaboration with Manuel de las Casas, Javier Frechilla and José Manuel López-Peláez. I have published in REIA, Maet, Sinmarca and participated in CIOT and ISUFh. Currently I combine research work with teaching and architecture.



Archivo José Antonio Corrales.

Archivo Ramón Vázquez Molezún.

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Corrales, J.A. 1996. Santorini, Palabras ahora, Madrid, [s.n.]

Corrales, J.A., Vázquez Molezún, R. “José Antonio Corrales, Ramón Vázquez Molezún”. Documentos de Arquitectura (1996): 33.

Corrales, J.A. 2000. José Antonio Corrales, obra construida. Pamplona: T6 Ediciones.

Corrales, J.A. 2004. José Antonio Corrales, Ramón Vázquez Molezún: pabellón español en la Exposición de Bruselas 1958. Instalación en la Casa de Campo, Madrid, 1959. Madrid: Rueda.

Corrales Gutiérrez, J., Cánovas Alcocer, A., & España Ministerio de la Vivienda. 2005. Pabellón de Bruselas '58: Corrales y Molezún. Madrid: Ministerio de la Vivienda, ETS Arquitectura, Departamento de Proyectos. Madrid.

Corrales, J.A. 2007. Alejandro de la Sota, Seis testimonios. Barcelona: Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña.

Corrales, J.A. 2007. José Antonio Corrales, Premio Nacional de Arquitectura 2001, Madrid: Ministerio de la Vivienda, Secretaría General Técnica.

Corrales, J.A. 2008. Cuadernos de versos. José Antonio Corrales, Madrid, [s.n.]

Corrales, J.A. 2010. Concurso Finca Pernet. Grabación del autor realizada el 28 de enero de 2010.

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Servicio Histórico, FUNDACIÓN COAM. Colegio de Arquitectos de Madrid.

Toba Blanco, M., & Bescansa, I. 2009. José Antonio Corrales: Unidad vecinal nº3. Coruña: COAG

Fullaondo, J.D., Muñoz, M.T y otros. 1993. Corrales y Molezún: Medalla de Oro de la Arquitectura 1992. Madrid: Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España.

Fullaondo, J.D., Muñoz, M.T.1997. Historia de la arquitectura contemporánea española. Tomo III. Y Orfeo desciende. Madrid: Molly Editorial.


Olalquiaga Bescós, Pablo. 2014. Casa Huarte: José Antonio Corrales y Ramón Vázquez Molezún. El concepto de lo experimental en el ámbito doméstico. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. E.T.S. Arquitectura.

Mondéjar Navarro, Juan. 2016. Una aproximación a la arquitectura de J.A. Corrales y R.V. Molezún. El grupo parroquial Jesús Maestro de Valencia. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. 2016.



How to Cite

Martín Domínguez, N. (2019). José Antonio Corrales. Letters from America. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (13), 148–163.