21st Century World Expositions facing territorial fragility





Urban fragility, Expositions, Urban transformations, Hannover, Shanghai, Milan


Expositions are not autonomous or homogeneous events, on the contrary, their development constitutes the plot of a discontinuous history, the mirror of a society in evolution that experiences its rules and its paradigms, showing them to the society. Through cartography and specific bibliography, in addition to the personal experiences of the authors, the events of Hannover (2000) that marks the beginning of the exhibitions of this century, Shanghai (2010), and Milan (2015) are analyzed. The aim is to understand the role and effects that exhibition events have on the transformation of the city and the territory, at a time when a renewed concern about the future of cities exists, subject to great tensions and demands. The land destined to these events is a link to join preexisting scattered urban fragments or to create new centralities, always with the result of increasing the metropolitan area thanks to the huge investments that exhibitions catalyze. The policies and strategies employed so far including sustainability and resilience, have varied in recent decades, but the results do not seem to provide evidence that any major event has been able to satisfactorily resolve the problems of fragility originated by urban pressures on the border between nature and built space, nor the permanent–temporal dichotomy that reach a key relevance in the planning of events.


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Author Biographies

Guido Cimadomo, Universidad de Malaga

Guido Cimadomo. Lecturer at the Department of Art and Architecture, Universidad de Malaga (Spain) since 2010. Architect for the Politecnico di Milano (Italy, 1998) and PhD in Architectural History, Theory and Composition (Int. hons.) for Universidad de Sevilla (Spain, 2014). He is Expert member of the ICOMOS’ scientific committee CIPA for the Documentation of Architectonic Heritage and UN-Habitat UNI focal point at the University of Malaga. 2017 ATCH Fellow at the University of Queensland (Australia, 2017). Coordinator of the online course “Writing architecture: Pathlines and critera” between 2010 and 2016, and of the unit “History of Architecture II” since 2011. He has recently edited the bilingual Spanish/English book "Design, Architecture and Society in the Early Modern Age”, published by Ediciones Asimétricas. Actually working on a new  volume “Spanish Architecture and Technology” (2020).

Renzo Lecardane, Università di Palermo

Renzo Lecardane. Architect (1998), master in Histoire de l'architecture moderne et contemporaine at Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne in París (2000), PhD in Architectural Design and Amenagement du territoire at Università di Palermo and Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in París (2004). Between 2000 and 2005 teaches at Ecole d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais in París. Founder and researcher at Laboratoire de Recherche Infrasctructure Architecture Territoire (LIAT-ENSA Paris Malaquais). Since 2008 is Associate professor in Architectural Design at Department of Architecture, University of Palermo. In 2013 founds the research lab L@bCity Architecture (DARCH-UNIPA) focused on the relations between architecture, city and territory. In 2017 is member of the PhD program in Architecture Theory and Design at Università La Sapienza in Rome and winner of the 1st International Prize for innovation PrintArch Challenges impression 3D pour l'architecture with the proposal Architectural Hypar System (AHS).


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How to Cite

Cimadomo, G., & Lecardane, R. (2019). 21st Century World Expositions facing territorial fragility. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (13), 136–147. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.2019133909