Cybernetic maps of the landscape: CAVS collaborative projects for the recovery of the natural environment of the Charles River


  • Covadonga Lorenzo Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid



Landscape, Technology, Cybernetics, Environment, Nature


This article presents the projects that resulted from an institutional initiative, promoted by the Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the early seventies, in which a series of projects were proposed over the area of ​​the Charles River that explored the possibility of 'inhabiting' the river, understood as a physical boundary between the cities of Cambridge and Boston. The initiative raised the study of this area, then fragile and vulnerable, threatened by the uncontrolled growth of both cities and deeply deteriorated. In order to do that, the design of new urban spaces was proposed, based on the theory of systems and cybernetics, which used new technologies to transform the environment, proposing the recovery of the natural environment of the river to integrate it in continuity with the urban plot. All of them have had a strong impact on interactive architectures and intelligent environments that began to materialize in real proposals already in the eighties, less influenced by cybernetics than digital and which today are helping to visualize and raise awareness citizenship to prevent from negative parameters that could affect the urban environment in the context of current smart cities.


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Author Biography

Covadonga Lorenzo, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid

Covadonga Lorenzo Cueva. Arquitecta por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, Máster en Diseño Arquitectónico por la Universidad de Navarra, Especialista en Fabricación Digital por el Center for Bits and Atoms del Massachusetts Institute of Technology y Doctor Arquitecto por la Universidad de Navarra. Tras seis años formando parte del equipo de redacción de la Revista Arquitectura Viva & AV Monographs, dedica su trabajo a la docencia y la investigación en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad CEU San Pablo donde es profesora del Departamento de Arquitectura y Diseño, Directora del Laboratorio de Fabricación Digital (FabLab Madrid CEU) y Jefa de Redacción de la Revista de Arquitectura Constelaciones. Ha realizado varias estancias en instituciones como Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Kaiserslautern; L´Ecole Speciale d’Architecture; Politecnico di Milano o Cambridge University. Es miembro del Grupo Digital Fabrication in Distributed Environments y participa en el Proyecto Newton financiado por la Unión Europea.


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How to Cite

Lorenzo, C. (2020). Cybernetic maps of the landscape: CAVS collaborative projects for the recovery of the natural environment of the Charles River. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (14), 130–143.



Topic papers