On the verge of the tactile. A conversation with Richard Sennett





Porosity, Threshold, Boundary, Border, Gentrification, 'Tactile' Urbanism


In his London studio at Shaffron Hill, Richard Sennett shares his current concerns, from the transformation processes taking place in our cities, to the very future of our planet. The scope of Sennett’s thinking – encompassing everything from buildings themselves, to cities, to territories – focuses in this conversation around issues such as gentrification, tourism, urban borders and boundaries, and his desire for a more ‘tactile’ urbanism. His reflections attract the attention not only of architects but also of urban designers, sociologists, geographers and environmental engineers, addressing as they do, key themes such as the dangers of social homogenization, the forces of capitalism and the consequences of climate change. The interview clearly illustrates the shift in Sennett’s interest from urbanism per se, to the broader question of climate change and environmental sustainability.


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Sennett, Richard. 1970. The Uses of Disorder: Personal Identity & City Life. New York: Norton.

¬_____. 1977. The Fall of Public Man. London: Faber and Faber.

_____. 1993. The Conscience of the Eye: The Design and Social Life of Cities. London: Faber and Faber.

_____. 1994. Flesh and Stone: The Body and The City In Western Civilization. New York: Norton.

_____. 1998. The Corrosion of Character, The Personal Consequences of Work In the New Capitalism. New York: Norton.

_____. 2008. The Craftsman. New Haven: Yale University Press.

_____. 2008. The Public Realm. Paper presented at BMW Foundation Workshop on Changing Behaviour and Beliefs, Lake Tegernsee, Germany, July 17-21, 2008. Paper available at http://www. richardsennett.com/site/SENN/Templates/General2.aspx?pageid=16 (accessed March 6, 2020).

_____. 2011. The Foreigner: Two Essays on Exile. London: Notting Hill editions.

_____. 2012. Together: The Rituals, Pleasures, and Politics of Cooperation. New Haven: Yale University Press.

_____. 2018. Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City. London: Allen lane.

_____. 2020. The Open City. Lecture presented at the Arkitekturgalan 2020, Sweden’s Architects Association, Stockholm, March 10, 2020. Lecture available at https://youtu.be/mCq2Mb6SFck (accessed March 24, 2020).

Sennett, Richard; Burdett, Ricky; Sassen, Saskia; Clos, Joan. 2018. The Quito Papers and the New Urban Agenda. New York: Routledge.

Sennett, Richard (interviewed); Maas, Winy; Stott, Rory (interviewers). 2019. La città aperta. Intervista a Richard Sennett. Domus 1.033 (March): 258-265.




How to Cite

Bambó Naya, R., & Díez Medina, C. (2020). On the verge of the tactile. A conversation with Richard Sennett. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (14), 228–239. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.2020144519