Visual Construction of an Architecture: A Dialogue between Cabrero and Férriz
Visual Culture, Architectura photography, Image, Cabrero, FérrizAbstract
When Francisco Cabrero’s architecture met Jesús García Ferriz’s photography, it encountered a tool for dissemination and thought. Férriz’s photographs present Cabrero’s architecture through the most suggestive perspective, the most precise angle and the most representative detail, to produce a form of reception and visual perception that allows us to observe each work with different eyes. One of the consequences of this dialogue is the parallel creative evolution of Cabrero and Férriz over the space of three fruitful decades towards a gradual abstraction and technical refinement in both media. In addition to putting forward this argument, the aim of the article is to reflect on the role of images and visual thinking within the modes of production, reception and observation of architecture, in this case within the context of Spanish architectural culture. Given the visual nature of architecture, the critical analysis of the meaning and knowledge about images, an essential issue in the current debate on visual culture, becomes essential in the development of a thought that requires seeing phenomena and determining the function of the iconic in the present day.
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