Urban form and public performance: the Setas de Sevilla as the setting of 15-M demonstrations


  • Pedro Mena Vega Universidad de Sevilla




Public space, urban morphology, political performance, city branding, starchitecture, 15-M movement


An analysis of the creation and transformation of the Plaza de la Encarnación in Seville, the last of the city’s projects for a  “plaza mayor”, serves here as a starting point for a contemporary approach to the phenomena of public space architecture. The Encarnación was structured from its very beginning, during the French rule of 1810–1812, as a "twofold" perimeter: a convex square enclosing a concave building, the Central Market. In this sense, it has rejected time and again the imposition of a general order or concept which it lacks, accepting only interventions that rely on its centrality value. The public competition for its total remodeling, won in 2004 and executed by German-based architecture studio J. Mayer H., put an end to decades of neglect in order to return to a morphology that, although in some aspects perpetuates the same nineteenth-century spatiality, has also provided—whether consciously or not—a potential for political assemblage. This contribution became evident during the 15-M demonstrations, continually held in the Plaza, showing the capacity of architecture to decisively transform the occupation of public space.


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Author Biography

Pedro Mena Vega, Universidad de Sevilla

(Seville, 1991) is an architect and co-founder of the cooperative A Contrapelo, with which he has developed his work standing out in the fields of illustration and dissemination of architecture. He coordinates the section "Umbrales de arquitectura y diseño" in the periodical Big Sur Series, and has collaborated in editorial works such as Yesos (University of Seville, 2015) and Acciones Comunes (Recolectores Urbanos, 2015). In the academic field, he has participated in international congresses and organised workshops in several Spanish Schools of Architecture, as well as teaching at Texas Tech University. He is currently a PhD student with his thesis "An architecture of the perimeter. Models and actions in the historic public space of the city of Seville", pending reading.


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How to Cite

Mena Vega, P. (2021). Urban form and public performance: the Setas de Sevilla as the setting of 15-M demonstrations. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (16), 168–181. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.2021165097