Sant Domènec in Girona and Santa Caterina in Barcelona. Two strategic monumental sites in historic quarters




Architectural Heritage, public space, reuse, monumental sites, Girona, Barcelona


In our days the criteria for remaking the architectural heritage are blurred by the different nature of the physical support of the place or by lack of collective vision, by associated symbolism, etc. However, there are some criteria on the uses to be introduced, the state of conservation of the monument, as well as on the creative criteria that are shared in different geographical presences. The objective of this article is to compare a couple of contemporary monumental sites created in the old quarters of Girona and Barcelona, in order to evaluate to what extent, they are the result of a certain way of remaking the architectural heritage and thinking about the public space. The research focuses on a couple of monumental sites of old Dominican convents, ​​which after disruptive changes of use in the ecclesiastical confiscation have been remade at the end of the 20th century to give them a new “collective” utility. The article offers, from lived experience, a comparative perspective of the creative process of the contemporary monumental ensembles of S. Domènec in Girona and Sta. Caterina in Barcelona, arising from current collective needs.


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Author Biographies

Isabel Zaragoza, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Architect from the Barcelona School of Architecture (2001) and a PhD from the UPC-BarcelonaTech with the thesis “Between geometry and iconography. Notes in the margins to documents by Enric Miralles” (summa Cum Laude, 2015). She is a Serra Hunter Tenure-eligible of Architectural Representation at ETSAB UPC-BarcelonaTech where she currently coordinates and teaches Graduate and Master degree subjects in “The Contemporary Project” line (MBArch). She is member of the research group Architecture, Design: Representation and Modeling (ADR&M). She is author of several articles in indexed publications such as New Architecture (China, 2019), Springer (UK, 2020, 2019), EGA (2015, Valencia), Arquitettura Revista (2017, Brazil), or Proyecto Progreso Arquitectura (2016 Sevilla), with a forthcoming essay on Miralles surprising creative process, that win,together with co-author Jesús Esquinas-Dessy  the 2018 research Prize of 14th Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennal (BEAU) granted by Ministry of Development and Arquia Foundation. Isabel has been Visiting Fellow at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design (2019), with a postdoctoral research stay granted by the Consortium for Advanced Studies Abroad (2018).

Jesús Esquinas-Dessy, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

He has been a professor in the Department of Architectural Representation of the UPC-BarcelonaTech since 1990, an assistant professor between 2008 and 2013. He is an Architect by the UPC-BarcelonaTech (1989), Master in Landscape Architecture (UPC-BarcelonaTech, 1991), and PhD in Urbanism (UPC-BarcelonaTech, 2013). He is accredited as “Contracted Doctor Professor” by ANECA (2016) and as “Lector” by AQU (2019). He is visiting professor in IP courses of the EU Socrates program promoted by HFT Stuttgart, ENSAP Bordeaux and TEI Piraeus. In addition, he is the co-author of urban projects and plans with award-winning proposals in professional and ideas competitions on a national and international scale (Europan II) of architecture and published in specialized professional magazines. His work has been awarded in Architecture Samples (COAC, 2017, 2011, 2008). His research focuses on graphic expression as an instrument for the representation of complex ideas in architecture and urban planning. His thesis graphically explored the link between University and new urbanity. Member of the ADR&M and GREIP Research group. He has published in national and international indexed magazines such as EGA (2015), Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura (2016) Arquitettura Revista (Brasil, 2017), Springer (UK, 2019, 2020) or New Architecture (China, 2019). Research award, in the category of articles, at the XIV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (BEAU2018).


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How to Cite

Zaragoza, I., & Esquinas-Dessy, J. (2021). Sant Domènec in Girona and Santa Caterina in Barcelona. Two strategic monumental sites in historic quarters. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (16), 206–219.