Architectural installation as a place for controversy/discussion on heritage


  • José Ramón Moreno-Pérez Universidad de Sevilla
  • Marta García de Casasola Gómez Universidad de Sevilla; Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico



Heritage, installation, cultural values, architecture, musealisation, flows, habitability


The current debate surrounding the cultural function of heritage is no longer centred on the typological classification of cultural goods – linked to cataloguing and institutional protection processes -  but has shifted towards a complex, participative heritage intervention. This method of working with objects from the past highlights the necessity for their incorporation into a problematic present. The role played by architecture in this field is encapsulated in “architectural installations”, which have become a relatively unexplored setting for underlying cultural conflicts in so-called “controversial heritage”. These installations act as “museums of strangeness” where cultural participation allows for innovation in the values proposed by earlier theories of heritage.


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Author Biographies

José Ramón Moreno-Pérez, Universidad de Sevilla

(Seville, 1954). PhD in Architecture from the Higher Technical School of Architecture, Seville (1993). Professor of Architectural History, Theory and Composition at the University of Seville. Co-director and Professor of the Master in Architecture and Heritage organised by the University of Seville and the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage. Supervisor of numerous doctoral theses and research papers. Member of the COMPOSITE, HUM-711 research group at the University of Seville. Director of the School of Architecture, Malaga between 2008 and 2012. Mr. Moreno Pérez has extensive research experience and a has contributed to wide range of publications which have focused in recent years on the definition of the so-called “contemporary habitability”. He is also author of the recently published book “Adentrándose en la sombre, hay una arquitectura...” (Malaga: RECOLECTORES URBANOS, 2020).

Marta García de Casasola Gómez, Universidad de Sevilla; Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico

(Seville, 1974). PhD in Architecture from the Higher Technical School of Architecture, Seville (2012) with the thesis Memory, Time and Authenticity: three fictions for intervening and interpreting heritage. Associate professor since 2004 and member of the HUM-711research group. Since 2003 Ms. Garcia de Casasola Gómez has worked for the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage as an architect and Head of the Projects Department. Her role mainly consists of Diagnostics and Intervention projects in Andalusian Immovable Historical Heritage.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Pérez, J. R., & García de Casasola Gómez, M. (2021). Architectural installation as a place for controversy/discussion on heritage. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (16), 132–147.