From the event to oblivion: the case of the Monument to General Schneider


  • Luis Montes Rojas Universidad de Chile



Monument, oblivion, meaning, politics, public space


Within the mobilizations that occured in various parts of the world, public monuments have been put into question, and the general public has come to rediscover their political meaning, which most of the time has become numbed by the passage of time. However, and considering that oblivion is a part of the program that allows monuments to remain unscathed within public space, it can also happen due to political decisions that affect their invisibility. This article reflects on the situation of a monument located in the city of Santiago de Chile, the Monument to general Schneider (1974) by Carlos Ortúzar, where its beauty and symbolic-formal harmony remain intact, being recognized by the art world, but its deep meaning has become hidden due to political arrangements once democracy returns.


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Author Biography

Luis Montes Rojas, Universidad de Chile

(Santiago de Chile, 1977) holds a degree in Plastic Arts with a mention in Sculpture from the University of Chile, and a PhD of Fine Arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). Teacher at the Department of Visual Arts at the University of Chile, where he is also a University Senator and Director of Research at the Faculty of Arts. Coordinator of the Sculpture and Contemporary Research Nucleus, he has written numerous texts and articles on sculpture, public art and contemporary art, being also the first editor of the [cuatro treintaitrés] journal, and editor of the books Arte público, propuestas específicas; El arte de la historia Escultura y contemporaneidad en Chile: tradición, pasaje, desborde; Cuerpos de la Memoria. Sobre los monumentos a Schneider a Allende; and Escultura and contingencia, 1959-1973. His work has been shown in individual exhibitions in the main spaces in Chile, highlighting Contra la razón, National Museum of Fine Arts (2019-2020); Santa Lucía, MAC Parque Forestal (2016); Gallery of the Presidents, MAC Parque Forestal (2015); and in collective exhibitions in Chile and abroad, including, among others, Reconsiderando el monumento, Segovia - España (2019); De aquí a la Modernidad, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (2018-2020); Cuerpos Liminales, Centro de Extensión UC (2017); Gigantes y derivas, Cuenca, Ecuador (2016).


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How to Cite

Montes Rojas, L. (2021). From the event to oblivion: the case of the Monument to General Schneider. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (16), 66–77.