Other Spanish Practices. Women Architects' Approaches to Feminist Theories





Feminist Practices, Feminine practices, Women Architects, Co-creation, Cooperativism, Interdisciplinarism


Since the end of the 20th century, a major change in the Spanish architecture has been the increase in female architects graduating from different schools of architecture, as opposed to a recent predominantly male past. However, this circumstance has not translated into the professional field, where the traditional canons of the profession and masculinized work patterns still hinder the progress of these women architects in their careers. In response to this situation, since the year 2000 a series of professional practices in architecture and urbanism have emerged which, led mainly by female architects, have adopted a different approach to the profession in which they have been able to find a place and form in which to develop their professional career. This article analyses how there is a rapprochement of these other practices in their design criteria, work methodologies and structural organization with certain discourses defended by different third and fourth wave feminist theories. In this sense, the article explores how these theories have opened new ways of practicing the profession in Spain, which could initially be identified as feminist, and discusses its possible use to define under these other practices.


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Author Biography

Nuria Álvarez Lombardero, Architectural Association

Nuria Álvarez Lombardero studied Architecture at the ETSA Madrid and Urbanism at the Architectural Association (AA). She is co-director of the London-Seville-based Canales & Lombardero office since 2003 and previously worked for Machado & Silvetti Associates in Boston. She has taught at the University of Cambridge, TEC Monterrey, and the University of Seville, currently teaching architectural design at the AA. After working as a researcher at Harvard University, the University of Cambridge, and the AA, she completed her Ph.D. on the dissolution of the boundaries drawn by modern urbanism. She has published different articles in international journals, such as RA, Metalocus, and Archithese, and books, such as Politics of Fabrication (ViBok 2017) and Architects: Redefining the Practice (Urban Collectors), the latter being awarded at the XIII Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Lombardero, N. (2022). Other Spanish Practices. Women Architects’ Approaches to Feminist Theories. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (18), 186–197. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.2022186159